Sunday, July 17, 2022

Devlin deFrancesco

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Welcome our native Toronto driver, Devlin deFrancesco from Andretti Autosport.

Not the way you wanted, but what was it like to race in front of your hometown fans for the first time in the NTT INDYCAR SERIES?

DEVLIN deFRANCESCO: Obviously it was nice to be home with all the fans. I did get a lot of support this weekend. Quite happy with yesterday, how qualifying went, knowing that we had more in the tank. But obviously how the race played out was definitely not how we wanted it to go.


Q. Every race is a lesson. You were probably under the brightest spotlight of your career. What kind of lessons did you learn this week being under the magnifying glass?

DEVLIN deFRANCESCO: I'd say not one particular lesson as per se. I just had a lot of support. Being under the spotlight, I didn't necessarily take that as a bad thing. I took that as having a lot of support from a lot of the people here, a lot of the fans, a lot of my supporters and sponsors obviously.

I really just used that as extra motivation to do well. We've just been making progress each weekend, learning what to do, what we could have done better.

Qualifying obviously we wish we could have done better. Obviously wrapping in the fast 12 there, then in the race we hurt the rear tires too early, just struggled with balance. Seemed to get better and better as the race went on. Definitely was a struggle on the reds. That put us on the back foot.

(Indiscernible) out racing with Will Power, put me a bit wide in five, put me on the back foot. Was a bit of a sitting duck from then on just behind Castroneves.

Q. What did you think of the track?

DEVLIN deFRANCESCO: Amazing. I like the track here. Definitely has a lot of character, the most character of any track I've been to. Definitely know what it's like here. It's bumpy, it's hard. It's not an easy track to race at. It's quite easy to make a mistake. There really is no margin for error.

Q. How did the race itself feel? It was pure drama watching it. Seemed like a lot of anger, bumping, hitting, I'm going to get you.

DEVLIN deFRANCESCO: There was definitely a lot of that going on, especially after the last pit stop, after the last yellow. It was three-, four-wide in certain corners. It's nice to see and it's enjoyable for us. It's just not enjoyable when you get shoved out of the way a little bit like that.

That's racing. That's how it is. Need to regroup and go get 'em next week in Iowa.

THE MODERATOR: Devlin, thanks for joining us today. We appreciate all the time you've given the media this weekend. We'll see you in Iowa.


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