BMW Championship

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Castle Rock, Colorado, USA

Castle Pines Golf Club

Wyndham Clark

Quick Quotes

Q. Good birdie at the last there. What did you do for three and a half hours or however long it was?

WYNDHAM CLARK: We ate, we sat, worked with my trainer a little bit, sat some more, hung out. I went and saw some friends in the clubhouse and then went and hit a couple putts and made a putt.

Q. Was there a winner in the ball-rolling competition up there?

WYNDHAM CLARK: No, it was only for a make. No one won.

Q. After you had a real solid front nine, then kind of up and down through the back, were there any issues?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Bad swing on 10, and then bad swing on 14. I honestly played great today. I'm really bummed about it. I bogeyed 14, which was a bad bogey. Then I hit a great shot on 15. It's so hard to judge wedges at altitude, and I thought I flagged it, and it landed just about a pace or two too short, and I spun it in the water.

Then on 17 was a mis-club for sure. You should never go long there. That's the one I'm most pissed about, to be honest with you. That one and 14 because -- I essentially had four doubles today. I was middle of the fairway with an iron in on two par-5s and make bogey, and then hit it in the water twice and made double. That's eight shots I just gave away. I'd like to have those back.

Q. How nasty is that rough behind 17?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, it's brutal. I saw Hideki get it up-and-down. He was only a couple yards through, and that was way more doable. I was like five or six yards into it, and it was so thick and my ball was sitting not all the way down. It was sitting pretty high. I had to hit a high soft shot, and I kind of went under it. It's really tough.

Q. Overall what do you take out of today?

WYNDHAM CLARK: I hit it fantastic, I thought, from at least off the tee and then hit some really good shots. You take away those three water balls and we're looking -- we're probably having a different interview right now. I thought it was really good.

Q. Whose idea was the ball rolling game on the putting green?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Well, my caddie John and I always do it, and then Rory behind us threw it, and then we said, all right, let's all do it, and then we did one down and back.

Q. No winners but who came closest?

WYNDHAM CLARK: It's no closest. It's only makes. $100 makes.

Q. Was Derrick White one of those guys that came back to the clubhouse during the wait?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Not that I know of. He might have. But D lives only 20 minutes away. I'm sure he just left.

Q. What was it like having him out there following you?

WYNDHAM CLARK: It was pretty cool, honestly. It's fun because he's kind of new to golf, and so got his real first experience of pro golf at the Olympics watching and walking with us, and he really has the bug. We've been talking about it. He's like, I love it so much. It was really cool to have him out there.

It's great to have great local sports superstars out watching and rooting on me and other golfers and just bringing more awareness to golf and growing the game.

Q. Did you know he was going to bring the trophy?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Oh, is that why it was here? Honestly, I didn't know. I didn't know he was going to bring it. They bring it sometimes to tournaments, so I never know why. I wish I would have known that because then I would have gone and taken a picture with him or something with it.

Q. How do you know each other?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Derrick and I used to play basketball against each other maybe starting in like the third or fourth grade and then all the way through high school basketball. We always had a mutual respect because we guarded each other, and then we had a lot of mutual friends. So we've always been kind of acquaintances, and then obviously being Olympians together and hanging out in Paris was pretty cool.

Q. You mentioned it yesterday, I know kind of being a rivalry with him growing up almost, but are there any specific memories from that matchup that stand out to you years later that are funny to think back on?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, the funniest one is I feel like a jump stop kind of became a -- I can't remember if it was a jump stop or a Euro step. It might have been the Euro step. I remember he was doing the Euro step at a young age, and our whole team kept thinking it was travel. So every time he would do the Euro step, all our dads and everyone was like, that's a travel, and they would never call it. Then fast forward like the next year, we're all doing the same thing. That was one funny thing.

But there was a lot of great matches. His team and our team growing up kind of at a young age, I feel like we were always in the finals together. It was a matter of who had the good game, who was going to win.

Q. When Rory is getting ready to putt and you hear the sound of the weather delay and he looks up and smiles, I didn't see your reaction. What was your reaction knowing you were about to be done and then this weather came in?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Well, I knew it was close and I kind of wanted Rory to speed up because I was like, gosh, if we could just play real quick and maybe tell the guy to hold off a little bit. But yeah, I was pretty bummed. I was hoping it was going to be one of those quick Colorado 30-minute storms, but there was another one behind it. Definitely a bummer being here for three hours.

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