BMW Championship

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Castle Rock, Colorado, USA

Castle Pines Golf Club

Scottie Scheffler

Quick Quotes

Q. Just assess the week as a whole.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I mean, overall pretty frustrating week. I felt like today I played quite nice. Definitely felt -- my back felt a little off the first day. Last two days I was kind of battling my swing and wasn't holing a bunch of putts.

But today I went out there and played what I felt like was a really good round of golf. Hit a lot of good shots. It's just I had trouble with the wind and the elevation.

It can be so challenging coming from those large downhill shots into the wind. No. 9 is an example of a shot where I had 149 adjusted pin, and my 9-iron goes 176, and it flew 140 yards, and I flushed it. Maybe even less than that, short in the water. Teddy was telling the ball to sit in the air because it looked like the wind had died.

It's one of those things that it's challenging, and I could have been better at it this week, and there's a lot of things I could have done better.

Overall I feel like today felt much better about my swing, played some good golf and holed some nice putts.

Q. Is that a good thing to take the positives from today more than the negatives from the first three days into next week?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, definitely. It's like, I haven't had many off weeks this year, so this was definitely one of them. So it feels good to at least put a decent round together today. A few breaks go my way, it looks a little bit different.

But it's just one of those weeks where sometimes the ball bounces your direction, sometimes it doesn't. This was definitely a week in which the ball was not bouncing the direction that I was hoping it was going to.

Q. We've talked about these three weeks in a row and peaking for next week. What are you going to do the next few days to rest and recoup and being ready for when Thursday comes around?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, get rested, get ready. We've got a new golf course to learn. It's my understanding the changes were pretty significant next week. Definitely looking forward to getting down there. I'll go out late tomorrow and do some practice and see what's going on with the new course.

Q. Are you going to try to play some holes tomorrow?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: It depends how I feel, but I would imagine I'm going to try to get out on the course.

Q. We saw a little bit of frustration on Friday coming out of you a little bit with some different shots. We never see you get like that normally on the golf course. Is that one of the more frustrating days you've had, some of the stuff that's going on?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, it's frustrating when you feel like you're doing stuff that's good and it's not turning out the way you're intending it to.

I remember on No. 10 I felt like I was hitting it in the rough way too often. Hit it in the rough there again, hit it in the water.

The day before, I hit a really good shot into 15 and the ball spins off the green. I have the same number, very similar number, I think I had just a touch shorter on 10. I'm like, oh, perfect, big slope again. That green was soft yesterday. Should have just chipped a little 56. Hit it exactly how I wanted to, ball lands next to the pin, and it bounces six over the green. It's kind of like, man, that's just tough.

I really didn't understand how it was possible that that green was not a similar firmness. Felt like we got some rain and really it was just one of those deals where the golf course this week just got the better of me.

Like I said, the balls were not bouncing the way I thought they were going to. I was a bit off most of the week.

Q. You've been in this position before heading into East Lake with the lead. What have you learned from those situations in the past that might help you this year with a mindset going into the week with a lead?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, just staying patient overall, treating it like I would any other tournament. It's weird starting off with a lead. I'll either be in first or second depending on how today shakes out. I know I'll be in contention going into next week, and just got to go out there and do my thing and compete and I've got a great chance to win the tournament next week, and I'm looking forward to the challenge. I've got some great players behind me, and it should be some fun competition.

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147671-1-1002 2024-08-25 19:14:00 GMT

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