TOUR Championship

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

East Lake Golf Club

Xander Schauffele

Quick Quotes

Q. Xander, solid day. How would you assess it?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: It was all right. Kind of hit it in the rough a lot, and with brand new greens, I think I scored okay actually for how bad I hit it. But yeah, overall it was kind of a Meh day. Wasn't something for proud of or disgusted by.

Q. You've talked about this course, playing it in a practice round, first competitive round. Did it play the way you expected it to play?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, it was pretty straightforward. Scottie was almost in every fairway it looked like. It looked like he was going through wedge practice while he was out there.

If you're in the fairway you can attack this golf course. I think they've been pretty fair with how they put the pins and the tees knowing how firm the greens are, so I think the TOUR did a good job there not really putting too many par-3s over 200 yards kind of hugging that 190 to 170-ish range.

Q. Any particular thing feel off about your swing?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Started off hitting it okay. Yeah, probably just reverted back a little bit unfortunately. I'm going to go hit some balls right now with the setting sun here, but I'll figure it out.

Q. You said this time of year you're fighting a little bit of fatigue and getting into old patterns. Is that the case after a long season?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: I was getting into old patterns when I was juiced up. It's just something you do; when you're trying to get out of a pattern you kind of fight to get in a good spot and then you slip out of it and then you fight to get back in it. I've got three more days.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
147789-1-1041 2024-08-29 22:21:00 GMT

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