TOUR Championship

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

East Lake Golf Club

Scottie Scheffler

Quick Quotes

Q. Scottie, how would you describe the day?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Solid day. I had a really good finish, but overall I felt like I did some stuff pretty well out there today. It was nice to finish the way that I did.

Q. I felt like with the way you were finishing your backswings a couple balls went left. Anything fighting in the swing specifically on the front nine? You just had some awkward finishes?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, it's pretty unusual for me to finish awkwardly. Probably going to have to go take a look at that.

Q. Can you describe the approach on 17, what you were facing?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, it was nice that the ball there ended up in the mulch. I felt like it was a good spot for it to end up instead of the rough.

I had a clean lie in the mulch, and so kind of an uphill, right-to-left lie, which can be challenging with the right pin. Did a good job of hitting it in there left of the pin and we did a good job of judging the distance.

Q. Did you deliberately lay up at the par-5, 6th, and if so, why?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: No, I did not. I wasn't necessarily really going for it, in a sense of like I was trying to challenge the front of the green. Just where that pin was today, if you land it on the green from where I was the ball is typically going to go into that back bunker, and you don't know if it's going to go all the way to the downslope or stay on the up slope. It's a bit of a mystery there, and if you go over to the right it's a pretty tough pitch. I was trying to challenge the front lip of that bunker, and if I barely got it over it could stay on the green, but if not that front bunker was not a bad spot and the wind just did a complete 180.

It was down into off the right and I pured a 6-iron and it went 20 yards shorter than it was supposed to with the wind that we originally had. I was doing that a lot on the front nine. Like we played 1 and 2 into the wind, 3 down wind, which made sense. Then we played the tee shot on 4 into the wind, the second shot downwind.

5 goes the other way. We played that in off the left, in off the left. 6, driver was downwind, second shot was into the wind. 7, tee shot was maybe straight across, second shot was downwind when I got to my ball and straight into the behind when I hit. So there was a lot of just -- the wind on the front nine was basically going -- should have been going straight across and then it was moving around a lot, so that was pretty challenging on the front nine was just gauging the wind.

Q. You're going to be with Collin again tomorrow. Is it fun going back and forth like you guys did today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, we both played -- yesterday had a fantastic round and I played pretty solid and then today we both had really solid days out there. Yeah, we were both playing some good golf.

Q. What do you have to do tomorrow to finish things up?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Keep doing what I've been doing, staying in the moment, staying patient out there. I've bogeyed the first two hole of the last three days and both times when I bogeyed the first hole I didn't make any bogeys after that, so that's kind of good momentum for me. I feel like I've done a lot of stuff well and played solid, so I'm looking forward to the challenge of trying to finish off the tournament tomorrow and continuing to do that.

Q. How would you describe your level of disappointment leaving here the last two years without the trophy?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I don't know. I mean, it's disappointing anytime I don't win. I felt like two years ago I had a really good chance to win, wasn't able to get it done. Last year I was close and I think I had a couple bad last rounds. I don't remember specifically. I don't know if I played very good here at all last year. I didn't, did I? I don't remember playing very well.

Yeah, it's just one of those deals where anytime you don't win a tournament I'm going to leave pretty disappointed. That's pretty much it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
147906-1-1041 2024-08-31 23:18:00 GMT

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