The Presidents Cup

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Royal Montreal Golf Club

Brian Harman

Press Conference

Q. How is the week going?

BRIAN HARMAN: Great. It's been an awesome week so far.

Q. Do you like Canada?

BRIAN HARMAN: I do, yeah.

Q. What's the week been like for you?

BRIAN HARMAN: Man, it's been great. Just really good group of guys. We've been having a great time. It's been a lot of fun. The golf course is good. Nice to come in early and get ready, get rested. I think we're all ready to go.

Q. What have you noticed, the difference between this and the Ryder Cup?

BRIAN HARMAN: You've still sort of got that team vibe. You know, I don't know. I think they would all be totally different. I'm enjoying myself just as much as the Ryder Cup. These are a thrill to play in.

Q. Are there different vibes in the team room than last year?

BRIAN HARMAN: I just think you bring all the new faces in and you try and catch them up to speed. But Russell and Sahith, they're awesome. They're great players, and they're great in the locker room, too. Keegan, I had never played on a team with Keegan. We play all year together, so we know each other, but you never really know how everyone is going to react when they get in a situation like this, same as I was last year. But everyone has been fantastic. Everyone is eager to play and ready to go.

Q. The Internationals were talking about having some stakes going on. Do you guys have anything similar?

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, man, there's a lot of side action going on. Just trying to get yourself ready, trying to make it as hard as you can in practice so when the actual tournament shows up, you're not shell shocked.

Q. I saw Snedeker and Kis were --

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, we've had big money games this week. Really competitive. Just trying to -- that whole adage, iron sharpens iron. Just trying to get ourselves ready to go. A lot of us haven't played tournament golf in a while. That's been -- that was one of the sticking points for the Ryder Cup last year. I felt like a lot of us thought we were kind of rusty. So just working as hard as we can.

Q. How are you doing in the betting?

BRIAN HARMAN: I'm getting crushed.

Q. You spent some time with the Junior Presidents Cuppers today. Why did you spend that time with them, and what sort of things did you guys talk about?

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, I think it's always important to pay it forward. They're the future of our game. Nice-looking group of kids, man. I think these kids are come out a lot more prepared than we were, so they probably don't need near as much help as we did when we were coming up. Next to see the next generation moving right along. Helps keep things in perspective and not take yourself so seriously.

Q. One of the things that came up for Wyndham was ping-pong. Wyndham believes he's the best ping-pong player in the team room, Scottie believes he is. Do you have any insight?

BRIAN HARMAN: No, I don't. Safe to say I'm probably the worst ping-pong player. I spent time doing other stuff like talking to girls instead of playing ping-pong in high school.

Q. Just a few about your teammates. Who's the teammate that you would least want to pass the aux cord to?

BRIAN HARMAN: So I had a little intel. I heard that Sahith said that I was the least likely and he said his favorite music was house music, so I'll return the favor. I'm not a big house music guy. So I'd be muting Sahith's playlist.

Q. Is there a golf swing on your team that you love or that you're a little jealous of?

BRIAN HARMAN: I think Wyndham's golf swing is probably the prettiest to look at. Super jealous of the power in Xander's golf swing.

Q. Which teammate is most likely to be late to a function?

BRIAN HARMAN: Hmm, most likely to be late? I don't know. Everybody has been on time. Probably me, honestly. I think I slept through the rules meeting at the Ryder Cup last year, so I'll say me.

Q. Can you tell me how important the first day is just to silence the crowd and send a message to the International Team that it might not be done after the first day but it might be tough?

BRIAN HARMAN: Well, the first day is really important and kind of sets the tone for the entire week. I know when we got way down in the Ryder Cup, it felt like a really tall hill to climb. So hopefully we'll get off to a better start this week and set the tone early.

Q. (On the mental approach.).

BRIAN HARMAN: No, I don't feel like we have that mentality at all. I feel like we have a great group of players, and the challenge is for all of us to be in form and to play the way that we can. That's all you can really control.

Q. Talk about your Georgia-Alabama plan.

BRIAN HARMAN: The game is on at 7:30. We'll be done.

Q. Will it be on up here?

BRIAN HARMAN: I would think so. I don't want to talk about VPNs in Canada. We'll do our best.

Q. What have you been doing since East Lake game-wise?

BRIAN HARMAN: I've been working hard. I was really disappointed with the way my season ended. Just playing a lot of golf, trying to get into form and get ready to go this week.

Q. Does something like BMW just stick with you?

BRIAN HARMAN: It sticks with you for sure. Yeah, just the last couple months of the season, it was really frustrating. Just felt like I was in form and just wasn't quite getting the results that I felt like were coming. Just kind of ran out of time. Played some really good golf, was just a couple feet off here and there, and that's just how golf is.

You just kind of stick with what you're doing. I know something is going to click at some point. Something is going to pop. Yeah, just been working really hard.

Q. (Indiscernible).

BRIAN HARMAN: No, I'm a very impatient person, especially when it comes to my golf game. Just have such high expectations. Been playing so well for several years now, and still playing great, just the last couple months of the season just didn't have that one week where it all kind of came together. Felt like if I had a good year putting I'd have probably won a few times. Just been kind of hit or miss.

Q. Do you think this course suits your game?

BRIAN HARMAN: I think so. It's a tough driving course, one that if you take on some corners you can get some shorter irons in. Courses like that I tend to do well at.

Q. (On how the course sets up for lefties).

BRIAN HARMAN: I don't play right-handed so I don't have any frame of reference. They all set up for lefties when you hit it good.

Q. Were you a Mike Weir guy when you were coming up?

BRIAN HARMAN: Oh, yeah, man. Loved Weirsie. So impressive the way he won the Masters. Him and Phil, I was always a fan of lefties. I think that's the sort of thing being a lefty, you always pull for the lefty guys.

Q. Is Russ a veteran or a rookie in your eyes?

BRIAN HARMAN: Sometimes you're a rookie, but Russ is ready for this. He's a veteran. He's been around this game a long time. He's played in a lot of pressure moments and he's handled them really well. He's going to do great.

Q. What type of player do you think you'd be a good partner for in foursomes?

BRIAN HARMAN: Well, I think Max and I are pretty good at foursomes.

Q. What about his game matches you so well?

BRIAN HARMAN: I just think our personalities are really similar, especially when we get out on the golf course. We feed off each other really nicely. Obviously we've had some moderate success doing it.

Q. More chemistry than punching numbers?

BRIAN HARMAN: In my opinion, yeah. It's a lot about chemistry. It's a lot about -- I don't even think really the styles of game matter that much in foursomes.

Q. Do you think so in four-ball at all?

BRIAN HARMAN: I think four-ball is a wider variety of partners than in four-ball whereas you're not as beholden to your partner in four-ball as you are in alternate shot.

Q. Would you rather play foursomes with someone that's more like your game?

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, you would -- the numbers would say that Russ and I should play alternate shot together.

Q. Versus putting you with a bomber?

BRIAN HARMAN: Yeah, I let the stat guys do that. I just want to play. I just want to go.

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