Q. What did it mean to get the start today in your first PLAYERS Championship?
DANNY WALKER: Yeah, it meant the world to me. Wanted to play in this event since I was a little kid, especially living here locally. Watched it a bunch of times the last few years, so yeah, I couldn't have been more excited. Like, honestly, I went and sat in my car for a few minutes afterwards and just kind of let it hit me a little bit, maybe let a tear out. But, no, it was all great. I was just excited.
Q. When did you find out that you were in the tournament?
DANNY WALKER: It was probably around 7:00 a.m. so I had plenty of time. I was planning on being on the range around 7:20 anyway, so I just shifted everything back like 20 minutes, so yeah, it worked out pretty well, like timing-wise.
Q. A text or how did it --
DANNY WALKER: Oh, I got a call from competitions, yeah.
Q. Had you had a heads up at all that Jason wasn't feeling well?
DANNY WALKER: No, I didn't hear anything about Jason having any issues or at all. Thanks to him and I hope he feels well very soon.
Q. Last year you watched as a fan. What do you remember about just that week and what was going through your mind when you were out here as a fan last year?
DANNY WALKER: Yeah, it was cool watching one of my best friends play in his first PLAYERS as well and play well also. But at the same time I just felt like, man, I really want to be here playing next year as well, so that was kind of the dream a year ago, and happy that it happened.
Q. You mentioned going to your car. That was before your tee time?
DANNY WALKER: Yeah, I usually like to do a few minutes of quiet meditation beforehand, but I just -- in that moment I tried to just reflect on, you know, just who I was when I was a kid, just always wanting to play in this event and finally actually playing in it. So, yeah, but I tried to let the emotion out early so then I can relax and go play.
Q. In terms of how, what things were running through your mind after you got the call, obviously you come into the day hoping, but to get that call that early too, what was running through your mind right then?
DANNY WALKER: Some of it was just a little bit of shock, because I wasn't really expecting to get in. Like I made sure I was prepared to, but I wasn't really expecting it either. Then to have to go play with two major champions as well, that was like, oh, like we're here (laughing).
Q. Was there a moment during the round when that kind of kicked in, like oh, my gosh, I'm also in this pairing?
DANNY WALKER: Just like on the first tee. After that, no. They were nice guys to talk to, so it was pretty normal after that.
Q. Had you played with either of them before?
DANNY WALKER: No, I hadn't met either of them.
Q. What did you guys talk about, anything?
DANNY WALKER: Oh, gosh, just everything. A little bit about the golf course, just normal stuff, yeah.
Q. Birdieing 17, what did that mean, first time in competition birdieing that hole?
DANNY WALKER: Yeah, that was really cool. I'll remember that one for a long time, so I'll always have good memories on 17, no matter what happens the rest of my career on that hole.
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