WGC Dell Technologies Match Play

Friday, March 25, 2022

Austin, Texas, USA

Austin Country Club

Takumi Kanaya

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you feel?

TAKUMI KANAYA: I'm feeling so great. I am happy I got through so I can't be go round of 16. Yeah. I proud myself.

Q. When you lose the first day, yesterday, when you played Tony Finau you played a good round to beat Tony Finau. What did you tell yourself before yesterday's game?

TAKUMI KANAYA: Tony's game is tough match, so through 14, 2-down, but never give up. Yeah, I'm pushing myself to play good.

Q. Where does this never give up spirit come from? Why never give up?

TAKUMI KANAYA: My father tell me I was young anytime don't give up, keep going, keep going, keep trying, don't give up he would say always for me.

Q. What is your father's name?


Q. Today's game with Lucas Herbert, you were always leading the match. How were you playing? Were you playing some of your best golf against Lucas? Did you play really good today?

TAKUMI KANAYA: Yeah, I feel so good today and hitting straight, putting good. So, yeah, I have confidence in the last four holes to keep going.

Q. In the playoff Lucas Herbert is middle of the fairway. You are in the bunker. What are you thinking?

TAKUMI KANAYA: Yeah, I hit in bunker. Yeah, that second shot is tough lie, tough shot. Yeah, I lay up but never give up any shot. I think I have small chance I make up-and-down. So, yeah, I focus on making it, getting up-and-down.

Q. Did you expect Lucas to miss his par putt? Did you think he would miss the par putt or were you ready to go to second hole?

TAKUMI KANAYA: Yeah, I think go to next hole. But, yeah, I think it tough finish for Lucas, very much pressure.

Q. You were surprised?


Q. Tomorrow's match is Corey Conners. Do you know who Corey Conners is and what do you think of your match tomorrow with Corey Conners?

TAKUMI KANAYA: Corey is, my first time PGA, I was amateur in 2019 Sony Open I played with him. Maybe he didn't remember me. But, yeah, he's so great. I understand he's a member of the Presidents Cup.

Q. No, no Presidents Cup. Not yet.

TAKUMI KANAYA: Oh, I think he's a PGA player, so, yeah.

Q. What do you think you must do tomorrow to maybe have a chance against Corey Conners?

TAKUMI KANAYA: Something more change. I do my best and I do keep going, I focus on my golf.

Q. Your driving, your iron, putting this week, how is it?

TAKUMI KANAYA: Yeah, hitting straight, putting speed is good so keep going.

Q. We talk about the best Japan finish in match play, Tori Taniguchi, in 2004 or something. Do you remember who he is and what he means to Japan golf?

TAKUMI KANAYA: Yeah, I didn't watch it in 2004.

Q. You were five years old.

TAKUMI KANAYA: Yeah, I was six, five. But, yeah, he is a great player, Japanese player, so, yeah, he hitting short, but he straight and tough, great chipping.

Q. So like you a little bit?

TAKUMI KANAYA: Yeah. So I have same style of playing with him.

Q. So maybe you try to be like him and go to Sunday, play Sunday as well?


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