Q. 3-under round today, obviously a couple highlights at 6 and 7. Can you talk us through those?
SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I sort of felt like today anytime I hit a good shot I missed the putt, and anytime I hit a bad shot I chipped in.
Yeah, look, I played okay. I don't feel 100 percent confident in my game so it's a tricky golf course to feel like that out there. I get off to a bad start. But I feel like I hit two great shots into 18 and got my round going a little bit. I played okay, but yeah, 6 and 7 were just bonus really. I'm 6-under for the tournament. Where I am on 6, you're probably hoping to make par, and par 7 and maybe give yourself a chance on 8 or 9, but to chip in on those two holes was definitely --
Q. There were some fun reactions from your playing partners.
SHANE LOWRY: Min Woo, yeah. Min Woo is normally that one that chips in, so it was -- I nearly chipped in on 5, too. I lipped out on 5 with a chip. I felt good. I see my way around this place. It was good.
Q. How do those two rounds compare? You got off to a faster start yesterday and today not so much.
SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I finished badly yesterday. I felt bad yesterday, and then I went and hit some balls on the range, and it didn't feel good and it didn't feel good this morning.
But I would say I was mentally very good. I played the game very well. I got my way around the course well. Yes, I didn't hit the ball as well as I would have liked, but I think 8-under for two rounds around here is pretty good, even thought the leaders or leader is a decent ways ahead.
There's a lot of golf to play this weekend, and I think even I've seen this morning the course is firming up, and it will firm up as the week goes on and it won't be as easy. I'm very happy the position I'm in. I'm going to take a couple of hours now and probably go out late afternoon where I live and I might hit balls for a half an hour just to try and get a good feeling going into the weekend.
Q. A little bit off the beaten path, but we saw a 59 yesterday. It seems like sub-60 rounds are becoming a little bit more prevalent in recent years. Do you think the more we see them, the more prestigious shooting a sub-60 round becomes?
SHANE LOWRY: No, no. It's hard to shoot low. I don't care if it's on a municipal course 6,500 yards. To shoot 59 is impressive.
I also don't think people realize how hard the courses are we play on TOUR. There are people sitting at home, and -- Jake's round yesterday was unbelievably impressive. Daniel Berger's round was very impressive, and he beat him by four.
Yeah, I think we need to give credit to the players for doing it.
Q. Coming up on 20 years since Tiger Woods' Masters win with the famous chip-in. Do you have any recollection of watching that growing up in Ireland and what that moment possibly meant to you?
SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I remember watching it. I don't know where I was. But I definitely watched it. I grew up playing golf watching Tiger Woods, then going out the next day trying to do what he did the night before. That's the way I learned. I'm sure I was out on the course the following day trying to hit the same shot, with probably no success. But I was trying anyway.
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