Q. Nice 67 out there today. Give us an idea of the conditions. Obviously it's a first day pretty much this week where we've had zero wind.
RICHY WERENSKI: It's definitely nice, a little easier on the approach shots today. Greens are firm out here so yesterday last couple days really with the wind and the firm greens it was really hard to hit your numbers and be on point with your yardages, but today there was a little bit more room for error, but greens were still firm and still had to hit good shots.
Q. What can we expect to see out of the guys coming in? The firm greens but what else is going on out there?
PETER UIHLEIN: First time we played this week in a north wind too. So you're kind of facing, 13, 14, 15, into the wind and 18 into the wind. 16 downwind, so that's not too bad. But there's some good holes coming in. The greens are rock hard so it's tough to really get it close.
Q. You recently had your first win in about three and a half years. How does that feel and how good did you feel coming in to this week playing alongside Richy?
PETER UIHLEIN: It's easy with a partner like Richy, he drives it on a string and makes everything. So yeah, obviously I was playing well, I felt like foursomes was a pretty good game for us and coming into it we felt really good and we had a good game plan and I feel like we executed it pretty well.
Q. Did getting that win have you breathe a bit of a sigh of relief?
PETER UIHLEIN: It helped, it helps. I haven't played well in a couple years and I have been playing pretty good since Pebble, really. I feel like my game's getting better. So this week was a fun week coming off a win and playing with Richy was great, freed me up and we had a lot of fun.
Q. How far you've enjoyed your week here, Richy?
RICHY WERENSKI: It's been great. Especially he's -- he says I played good, but he carried the team. He knows it. But we had a great time, it's, I love coming to this one, Louisiana is fun, so we had a great week, looking forward to next year.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports