FedEx St. Jude Championship

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Memphis, Tennessee, USA

TPC Southwind

Hideki Matsuyama

Quick Quotes

Q. You've had a lot going on. Are you surprised by the way it turned out today, with everything that's gone on for the last week?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: It was an unfortunate situation. Luckily I only lost my wallet, but Shota, my caddie, and the coach, lost their passports, and we're trying hard now to get their visas back in line, and hopefully we can join us as a team as soon as possible.

Q. East Lake possible?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: We're pushing hard, looking toward East Lake. Shota will make it, I think, but my coach probably won't.

Q. Was it in the London airport or downtown, and was it just -- when they say robbery, was there any --

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: We were just on our way back from Paris. We were just going to spend one night in London, and it happened in downtown London.

Q. Can you talk about how you played today?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: I'm happy the way I played today.

Q. No more details?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: I have a new caddie on the bag. Kind of reminded me of the first time Shota was on my bag. We kind of worked through a couple things. Really that was the main thing today is having teamwork with my caddie. Playing well, and I don't know how Shota is going to take it, but we'll work that out.

Q. Does Shota still have a job?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: Of course. Of course.

Q. Do you sense any momentum building from the Open through the Olympics? You seem like you're on a roll.

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: Yeah, I'm playing well, and that momentum has carried over. Now it's just whether or not the results, the score can go with it.

Q. Did the robbery rattle you? Were you shaken when that happened?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: We didn't even know it happened. We were just having a friendly dinner, and Shota was the first one, hey, where is my bag. Of course it was frustrating, but we really didn't know it happened. It was just kind of all of a sudden.

Q. They just grabbed your bags without you knowing?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: Yeah, he just took it and ran.

Q. How have you been able to not let what happened in London distract you, especially with your team being --

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: My job is the same. It's just play golf. I talk to my coach every night on the phone. I've got a great caddie. Taiga did a great job today, so we'll just see how it goes.

Q. How easy or difficult was it to put it away, compartmentalize it, and once you're inside the ropes, you have a job to do?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: Completely. I've forgotten it completely. It's not even an issue now.

Q. Who paid for dinner?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: We'd already paid the check, of all things.

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