RBC Canadian Open

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Adrien Dumont de Chassart

Quick Quotes

Q. 67 in your first round in your debut of the RBC Canadian Open. Can you just talk about your round and characterize it for us?

ADRIEN DUMONT DE CHASSART: Yeah, it was a really good round. I feel like I drove it well. I took advantage of all the birdie opportunities that I give myself. I feel like, yeah, I putted really good from five to 15 feet. I feel like -- I made four bogeys and shot 3-under, so I got to work on that tomorrow and try to avoid some of those stupid mistakes that I made today. But overall it was a good round.

Q. This is your first time playing Hamilton. How are the conditions out there today and does this golf course suit your game?

ADRIEN DUMONT DE CHASSART: Yeah, it's a really fun course. It looks like a course that we would play during Big Ten Championship, very tight and tree lined. It's really awesome. It rained a lot, so it's playing pretty soft, so that's something that I have to think about on some shots sometimes, because otherwise you just spin it a little too much. But it's a really good setup and it looks great.

Q. Are you having fun out there? When you think about where you were last year and you've come a long way and you're playing a ton on the PGA TOUR, is it kind of a pinch-me moment sometimes still?

ADRIEN DUMONT DE CHASSART: No, for sure. I feel like we're all so competitive that sometimes it's easier for you to have fun on the course, because we want to do so well. But my game has been trending up the last few months, which is positive, and it's for sure been a little more fun than earlier this year.

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