Rolex Paris Masters

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Paris, France

Daniel Evans

Press Conference


6-3, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You played Stan quite a few times now. What makes him so difficult for you?

DANIEL EVANS: I mean, today I found it especially difficult. You know, have had some fans back in the stadiums, and today was pretty dead, such a big court.

Yeah, he played good. I only just got here. I had one sort of hit. It was very different from last week. I found very different conditions, different balls. It was difficult, along with a pretty flat match, really.

So, yeah, it was a pretty, I mean, not perfect end to the year, but, you know, it probably summed up the year of 2020 really to the tennis, didn't it? It was flat.

Q. I gather you're going to be working with Chris Johnston at least in Australia in the buildup to the tournaments there. Can you tell us a bit more about that, how you got in touch with him, where you think it might lead?

DANIEL EVANS: I mean, that's the plan once I get -- once, you know, we get clearance on what's happening in Australia.

Obviously know him a little bit from when he worked with George Loffhagen, the junior lad. Just speaking with him, I liked his method on tennis. I had seen him before with quite a few Aussie guys and girls. Probably more women actually, I think.

So, yeah, you know, it was a fit. He's in Australia. Sort of, I just thought that could work, really. There wasn't, you know, too much massive thought behind it. He was pretty much the first person I thought could do the job. And just because I had spoke to him before and I liked the way he thought about tennis, and work, I seen him work a little bit obviously in preseason with George, and it was pretty good.

You know, just give it a go.

Q. If I can ask you a bit more about playing without fans, you were talking about the difference between Vienna and here. What is the difference for you as a player? Is it harder to get motivated? Does it sort of feel without fans like it's not a proper match or what?

DANIEL EVANS: No, I mean, I think it's definitely -- it's still a proper match, still feels like it's a match. I just think, you know, it's dead silent after some good points. I think it's tough to gauge, is it not a good match or -- not in that way, but, you know, you can sort of, the crowd help you a little bit even if it's 1000 or whatnot, you still sort of get a bit of a gauge off them. Not that I need a gauge off random people to say it's a good match, but it's just what you're used to, isn't it?

You know, today I found it difficult just I think, just as I did in Antwerp when they stopped the fans, you know, it was actually so strange when, you know, we sort of started with fans. At least this week everyone will know that there is no fans, that it will carry on like that.

I think it's just a very different, you know, game with no fans.

Q. As I assume this is your last kind of match of the season, I'm just wondering, what are you kind of least going to miss about the last few weeks sort of traveling around Europe in the bubble? And what are you guys looking forward to about the next few weeks?

DANIEL EVANS: Have you not read the news, Mike? We're in lockdown when we get home so basically go back into a bubble (smiling).

No, I mean, if I'm honest, I have found it fine. I have really struggled a bit with the traveling then on to quarantine. I found it pretty tough, you've been out and then you're straight into the room, I have found that probably the toughest part.

But apart from that, you know, staying in the hotel and stuff wasn't that tough. I mean, this week I have not been here too long, I don't have a window which opens, which is a little tough.

But, yeah, apart from that, I just find when you arrive at the hotel, take a test and go in the room, that's pretty tough I think to, then you're 24 hours in the room. That's probably the hardest part for me would be that, I think.

But apart from that I thought the tournament did a great job of looking after all the players.

Q. As you said, 2020 hasn't been easy for anyone, but you have had some of the best wins of your career in 2020. So on paper, it's a good season for you. How do you reflect on it, and what are your kind of targets for the things you want to do better going into 2021?

DANIEL EVANS: I mean, I'm sure I'll look back and say I think -- I just think it's tough to call 2020 a good year, you know. So much has happened. It's just been so stop/start, obviously.

But I think there is way bigger things than the tour, and I just hope that we can get, you know, the things sorted for Australia and then hopefully after that there is a bit more of normality.

I think if we get Australia sorted, I think that will put us back on our way to at least a start of the year of normality. And then that would be my, you know, not obviously what I can't do better next year, but that's what I would hope for next year would be a bit of normality at the start of the year and get some tournaments where, you know, everybody is back with no restrictions.

That would be nice, I think. But obviously that's not up to me or that's how the world is at the minute, isn't it? If that can't happen, then carry on like this, I think.

Q. What have you been told about the tournaments in January? Are you expecting to play the ATP Cup even if it perhaps needs to be in one city like Melbourne?

DANIEL EVANS: I mean, I have heard a few things that it might be less teams, it might be a different week, so I'm not sure what's gonna happen, actually.

Obviously you just hear different things, so the ATP I think are going to let us know within 10 days I think it was or something like this.

But, you know, I'm obviously hearing that as a player, so it's not any -- I'm not sure if it's true or not.

Hopefully we're in, and hopefully we can play in the tournament, but if not, I mean, I'm sure there will be other tournaments, as well.

Q. Have you heard anything about alternates for the ATP Finals? I just wondered, I know you're way down in the rankings, but I don't know what's happening with it. You might be a candidate to get called up late if they're needing a player.

DANIEL EVANS: No, I mean, I don't think so. I have just been -- no, I have not heard anything.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102856-1-1063 2020-11-03 14:52:00 GMT

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