U. HUMBERT/S. Tsitsipas
7-6, 6-7, 7-6
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Can you describe your emotions and just how you're feeling physically and mentally after a battle like that?
UGO HUMBERT: Physically, I'm dead (smiling). No energy. But I'm super happy, super proud of myself.
I was mentally very strong to win this match against Tsitsipas, one of the best players in the world.
Yeah, I don't know what happened, but I'm super, super happy.
Q. By the time you won, I believe it was roughly about an hour in between your first match point and when you finally won. How did you manage to keep your focus out there for such a long enduring match that had so many ups and downs?
UGO HUMBERT: Yeah, it was very, very hard at the end of the second set because I was a little bit stressed and tight to finish the match. I tried to play one by one, gave what I can.
Yeah, I was very relaxed. I tried to serve well. And, yeah, it's very nice to win this kind of match like this. So very, very happy.
Q. I can only imagine, it's only too bad that you couldn't have had a capacity crowd there tonight to cheer you on. Obviously very few people there.
UGO HUMBERT: Yeah, for sure. It will be better with the crowd, but nothing change for me. I tried to play my game, and that's it.
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