THE MODERATOR: Carlitos, welcome back to Paris. We all saw you practiced yesterday with Novak. How did that happen, and who won?
CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I think it was the best way, you know, to get ready for this tournament, you know, practice with the best one.
You know, we spoke before coming here to Paris and we, yeah, we talk about if we can practice one day. It happen yesterday. He won. (Laughter.) Hopefully just for practice (smiling).
THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.
Q. Can you tell us, are you ready for this tournament 100%? In your point of view, who get better chances to win, you, Novak, or somebody else?
CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I'm not gonna say that I'm 100% because it could be a lie. You know, at this time of the year, you know, after a long year, I think almost every player has a little bit of problems in their bodies, you know.
I'm feeling in that way. I'm feeling a little bit of pain, you know, but I had a really good recovery these weeks. I'm coming here feeling well enough, you know, to do a good result here.
I don't know if he has more chances or me. Jannik, for example, is playing unbelievable. Medvedev as well. There are a lot of great players that are playing in high level, you know, so I think that the draw is really, really open, and a lot of players can win this tournament.
Q. You have no great memories in Paris in this tournament. How is your feeling just to start this one?
CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, no, I'm really excited to play this tournament. You know, I just said I have not great memories, but I am trying to forget everything that happen the years before.
You know, in 2021 I had not a good run. Last year, I think I surpass that rounds. Hopefully this year gonna be better (smiling).
But something that I'm not thinking about what happen last year and 2021. I'm just focusing on this one. You know, just thinking about my feelings on the court, that it's going really, really well. So excited to start the tournament.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports