6-3, 6-7, 10-6
THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.
Q. I wanted to ask you about Horia. Obviously he's retiring, and I just wanted to know from your perspective what kind of impact did he have on the sport? What was it like getting to know him better this year, playing with him?
KEVIN KRAWIETZ: I mean, yeah, it was a big pleasure to play with him, because, yeah, he won so much titles in doubles. He won two slams. Won silver medal Olympic Games. Huge athlete he is. Outside the court, very, yeah, how to say, very nice person.
I enjoyed playing with him a lot. So we work pretty hard on court, and outside the court we have like a lot of fun, like, yeah, very, very easygoing I think. I didn't know one guy who don't like Horia on tour, so he's a very nice guy.
Of course, before the match, was a bit emotional, everything, because, yeah, we played the last match together. I mean, he kind of retired his career here in Turin in the Finals with a victory.
Yeah, I'm so happy that we won this match today.
Q. You guys didn't have the chance of qualifying to the semis, but how important for you knowing that it's your last match together and last match for him, as well? How much pressure was there to try and get that win today?
KEVIN KRAWIETZ: Yeah, in the beginning, don't feel like pressure maybe, but we talking about and say, Hey, let's finish strong. Let's put some good energy in it. Stay positive from the beginning until the end. If we win, it's a bonus. If not, at least we played a good match. And now we have the bonus.
Yeah, I think for Horia, it's amazing in this atmosphere to play and to win the last match, even if he cannot qualify anymore.
Q. If you pick a favorite moment this year together with Horia, which one would be? If there is something special that you maybe learned or shared with him, what would that be, also?
KEVIN KRAWIETZ: I mean, it's tough to pick one special moment. Of course we won the title in Halle together. So I think that was a special moment that we have like the trophy in our hand. We reached some finals together.
Yeah, as I said, the relationship between us was very easygoing. So also outside the court, Horia said, Hey, I researched a restaurant, and the restaurant was every time amazing, some good coffee shops out there.
Yeah, he's very into coffee, so it's always nice to hang out with him and, yeah, he said, Okay, let's hang out, let's drink a coffee there. Like the little things that's not like big things, big moments, but that is so easy this whole season, makes it so easy, easier to travel, to practice, and to communicate on court.
Yeah, unfortunately I can say nothing bad (smiling).
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