T. PUETZ-K. KRAWIETZ/M. Pavic-M. Arevalo
7-6, 7-6
THE MODERATOR: Congratulations. It's been a perfect week for you guys. Thoughts about the win...
TIM PUETZ: Yeah, pretty much. We lost one match, but right now we don't care too much about it. It's been a perfect week. It's my first time qualifying. Here we are as champions. Yeah, amazing.
THE MODERATOR: First question.
Q. Kevin, coming into the tournament as the No. 8 team, did that relieve a little bit of pressure and you felt like you could play free?
KEVIN KRAWIETZ: Yeah, maybe. I don't know. As Tim said, we are happy to qualify here. That was the main goal of our season. We arrived here. We said, Okay, let's see, we can beat everybody. Let's see how we survive the group.
Yeah, we had a pretty tough match in the semis. We were set and break down. We got a little bit lucky maybe in that one. Yeah, final was pretty close, as normal in doubles.
Q. Tim, the calf injury, at the time did you think it might have been a season-ending injury? To think now you've finished Nitto champions after that, your thoughts on that process?
TIM PUETZ: Yeah, when it first happened, I had roughly 24 hours before I had the first kind of images before I got an MRI. I was pretty worried 'cause it felt quite bad. Couldn't walk whatsoever. I had to be on crutches for a few days. Yeah, I knew it was a possibility.
I mean, I did everything I could for really the past four weeks to be able to be here. Then once the tournament started, it was really just a bonus being here because I was pretty close to not being here at all.
Yeah, I think it made playing maybe a bit easier - at least in the beginning. Once you got the first win, second win, you qualify for the semis, you don't care or think about the calf too much anymore.
Yeah, in a way it was just a bonus being here because we were quite close to not being here.
Q. Thoughts on the season in general, how great it is to finish the year like that?
KEVIN KRAWIETZ: Yeah, I think the season was very good. We played one Grand Slam final. I think our second season was a little bit better than the first one, so we improved. We like our team. We like the work with our coaches.
I think, yeah, ending up with the title here, of course it's the first big title. It's the third title in total. So we are very happy and proud.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports