6-4, 6-7, 7-6
THE MODERATOR: Questions in French.
Q. What are you waiting for? You're waiting for the crowd to be back so you can play in normal conditions? Do you believe in the French Open the magic can be back thanks to that?
BENOIT PAIRE: I have nothing to expect. I just don't care. There's no magic. What is the pleasure playing like this? Of course, it's great to come here, but it's like a practice session. If you've experienced the tour and you see how it is now, the only thing you want is to just go away.
Q. What do you want to do now, apart from going back home? You need to find your motivation.
BENOIT PAIRE: As I told you, I just don't care. You don't know how it is. This doesn't bring me anything except a bit more money. But there's no pleasure in playing.
The players who are there say they enjoy playing Monte-Carlo. I respect that a lot. But how sad is this for them? Normally this court is one of the most beautiful courts in the world. It seems like we are in a cemetery. Whether you win a point or miss, it's the same. There's no atmosphere. It's the same thing.
You're going to say it's like normal life, but normal life is shit. The only pleasure I have is when I'm home without my mask and I don't care about the COVID. That's when I feel good.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports