6-3, 6-4
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. (Question about the NextGen.)
STEFANOS TSITSIPAS: Who is next generation right now? Is Davidovich considered next generation?
THE MODERATOR: Musetti, Sinner.
I'm not particularly friends or close with any of them. I know them little bit. None of them lives in my area. I don't get to practice very often with them.
On the tour right now, it's kind of difficult, strange I would say. You would think that players hang out together, but it doesn't really happen. That's how the tour is. You do your job, you do your thing, you go back to the room and wait for tomorrow.
Didn't have the chance to talk or spend some time with any of them. You would think with the new generation - it includes me - staying a lot of time connected with devices and smart phones, laptops, anything digital really. Kind of has shifted, changed, over the years.
But I also fall into that category kind of. I would consider myself a millennial, a Gen Z. Yeah, that's how we grew up.
Me personally, I'm trying to change that, try to be more social with other people. I like getting to know other people, talk about anything really, where they come from, their backgrounds, any topics that we can discuss.
Back to your question, I don't know any of them, but I would love to know them a little bit better. I would love to get to know them.
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