L. SONEGO/U. Humbert
3-6, 7-5, 7-5
THE MODERATOR: Questions in French.
Q. Is this the most frustrating loss of your career?
UGO HUMBERT: Honestly, it's tough, really. For half an hour afterwards, I didn't feel good. Then I calmed down, because it's useless to be depressed, but I know that now I can play well on clay.
Of course this is part of the game. I was not able to win the match, but that's the way it is.
Q. How do you react after a match like this? Do you want to see the shots you did, or do you want to forget about it?
UGO HUMBERT: No, I isolated myself. It was good for me. I don't think it's useful to talk about the points in the match. It's done. Tomorrow I will go back to practice.
This is what I have to do. I know I'm on the right track. The day before, yesterday, I played well too, and I know I can beat good players on clay now.
What I lacked is confidence. I was realizing that I was playing the best match on clay of my whole career up to a certain stage, and I have to use that experience and keep practicing.
Q. I don't want to insist, but the problem, was it that you felt pressure or what happened?
UGO HUMBERT: Well, there were so many opportunities. After a while I started thinking, how am I going to pull out of this one?
It's not easy. I did everything I could and this loss is hurting. But I can't be depressed, as I used to be before after losing a match where people couldn't even talk to me.
I think life is beautiful now, and I know I'm on the right track.
Q. And today you were playing outdoors and the crowd was there.
UGO HUMBERT: Yeah, I had some fans cheering me. There were many Italians and some French spectators. I really had fun.
Q. What you said is interesting. You were realizing you were playing your best match on clay. Did you think that on the court?
UGO HUMBERT: Yes, I realized I was really playing well. My forehand was very efficient. I was serving well. I was able to play my game and move forward.
Unfortunately there were some points that were bad for me, but I was able to come back, to keep focused on my intentions, but when I serve at 6-3, 5-4, I know in the future I will not have those doubts I had today.
I had never played so well on clay before. I had never had those sensations I had today. But now I know I can play well on clay, and I believe now I'm a serious opponent for the others.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports