6-3, 6-4
THE MODERATOR: Obviously not the result you wanted today, but you must be happy with your year, how much success you've had.
HSIEH SU-WEI: Well, it was not expecting. I think we do really good this year, so thank you so much, Elise.
ELISE MERTENS: We definitely had some good results, especially Wimbledon and then Indian Wells. Actually this one, too. We didn't get the win, but we were very proud we came this far. We only grew as a team.
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. What make Krejcikova and Siniakova such a difficult team?
HSIEH SU-WEI: They play more longer than us, so of course they going to be know each other on the court.
ELISE MERTENS: Yeah, I mean, they just have like a very good game together. It clicks very well. Usually Siniakova at the net, Krejcikova at the back. Yeah, I mean, you play for so long... They definitely know where to stand, when to switch sides, all those things.
Yeah, I think it helps to play with a player for a long time already.
Q. Reflecting on your year, success? How do you see your season, your first season together as a team?
ELISE MERTENS: I think definitely a Grand Slam stands out to us. It was my first one, first Wimbledon. I mean, she's a pro. She has a lot of experience.
But, yeah, I think that definitely as a team, especially when we were down two match points, 9-7 in the third and everything, for me I think that one definitely stands out most.
Would you agree?
HSIEH SU-WEI: Anything you say I agree (smiling).
Q. Is it the plan to continue for 2022? Do you have to talk it over?
ELISE MERTENS: We're going to see. I mean, we just try to enjoy tonight, just reflect on the things we did well, other results. We also just friends off court and then reflect for the next year.
Q. A delicate question for you. If you don't want to answer, that's fine as well. Could you give me, us your thoughts on the Peng Shuai situation, particularly to Su-Wei, you were partners for a long time. Have you tried to get in touch with her to see if she's okay with any contact numbers you might have?
HSIEH SU-WEI: Oh, I think all of you know I have a very hard time to get a visa here, so I'm not focusing other stuff. Before the tournament start, there's one week I was doing my visa every day. I need to wake up very early, wake late, need to practice between.
I hope she's okay, but I just finish a tournament. It's Elise birthday today.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports