WTA Finals

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Guadalajara, Mexico

Anett Kontaveit

Press Conference

G. MUGURUZA/A. Kontaveit

6-3, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Anett, great season, great week. What are your emotions right now?

ANETT KONTAVEIT: Yeah, I think a tough match today, but definitely a really positive season. I mean, I was just so happy to qualify here and to make it to the finals. It feels incredible. Very proud of what I've achieved in the second half of the season.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What do you think was the source of the struggle in terms of the unforced errors, being able to find the game you wanted to play tonight?

ANETT KONTAVEIT: Yeah, I think a lot of it was nerves. Just felt pretty anxious on the court. Never really eased into the match. Didn't feel fully comfortable.

I think it's definitely a very good experience for me, something that I have a lot to learn from. A lot of credit to Garbine. I think she did great.

Q. Now that your season is over, how do you feel like you're coming out of this season? How do you feel like what you accomplished here in Guadalajara and the last year sets you up for the future?

ANETT KONTAVEIT: I think it definitely has given me so much confidence, so much self-belief. Looking forward to just taking some time to reflect, just think of what has happened in the last few months because I've been playing matches non-stop so there hasn't really been any time for that. Really looking forward to doing that.

I think I'm excited for the next season. Really want to keep this momentum up, just keep improving on my game, have a very good pre-season with Dmitry, just keep working.

I think we're doing the right things. My game is definitely improving in the right direction. I'm very excited for what's to come.

Q. Given how you finished the season, have you earned a shorter pre-season? Are you going to take more time off, allow yourself to recover? How does this impact your planning?

ANETT KONTAVEIT: We thought we'd sit down after this tournament is over, just decide on the planning then. I don't even know when the tournaments in Australia are starting yet. I really have to first look into that, then start taking it back week by week and just plan the pre-season.

I think it's important to have a good pre-season. I definitely don't want to cut it short. Just really want to train hard and get in great shape for the next year for the big challenges that are ahead.

Q. What is your big takeaway coming out of all this? You mentioned you believe you're right there, can beat anybody, the self-belief.

ANETT KONTAVEIT: Like you said, I think the self-belief is a big thing. I think you can achieve as much as you believe you can. I think that's definitely what has really grown for me.

Yeah, I mean, I think it's very important to just keep trying to improve my game. If you're doing the right things, the wins will come, the confidence will come. Believe in yourself, trust what you're doing, trust your coach.

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114860-1-1004 2021-11-18 05:05:00 GMT

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