Billie Jean King Cup

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Team Belgium

Emirates Arena

Maryna Zanevska

Press Conference


5-7, 6-2, 6-3

Team Slovakia - 2

Team Belgium - 0

THE MODERATOR: Maryna, just a very changing match with you coming back in the first set, winning that one. Maybe second set easy for Schmiedlova, but you were almost coming back on that third set. With that bad luck with the net when you were about to break to be 5-4, how did you live the match of this experience from there? Did you see that close it could have been either way?

MARYNA ZANEVSKA: Yeah, I think there was like lots of moments where it was very, very tight and it could go both ways. No matter what was the score during the match, I was just trying to fight back and just play every point and finding solution.

I mean, the first set showed me that even being that much down, you still can come back. I was still believing that I can do that in second set, in third set.

A little bit unluck, for sure. I guess things to take, to learn, and move on. I just feel like it's just different type of defeats, because it was not about me; it was about the team. And it hurts. Yeah, it's something new for me.

THE MODERATOR: What made that little difference for your opponent to take this one?

MARYNA ZANEVSKA: Honestly, I don't even have the answer right now. I need to speak with my team and just to analyze few things, because I know that I gave my best. I was fighting until the last point.

I felt good on court, so there was like definitely few things which I did less good than her, but honestly, for now, I still don't know. I feel like it was so close. I was up so many games where I didn't confirm my breakpoints or game balls.

Yeah, I think I still need some time to process this loss.

THE MODERATOR: Round robin gives you the opportunity of even with a defeat now, with the girls winning the doubles, to come back and fight strong against Australia. How ready are you for that match?

MARYNA ZANEVSKA: I think like this is the best part of those type of competition where you don't know until the end, so tomorrow we have another day. As we always ask from each other is just to give our best and fight every ball, and then we will see where it will bring us.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. About the chance of the qualification for the Belgium, what do you think about that for tomorrow?

MARYNA ZANEVSKA: Oh, well, as I said earlier that this is the best part of this type of competition where you never know until the end.

Tomorrow is a new day, a new battle. I know for sure that every girl from the team, all the staff, all the team, we will give our best to make it happen.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
126976-1-1145 2022-11-09 17:02:00 GMT

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