Billie Jean King Cup

Friday, 11 November 2022

Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Team Switzerland

Emirates Arena

Belinda Bencic

Press Conference

B. BENCIC/L. Fernandez

6-0, 7-5

Team Switzerland - 2

Team Canada - 0

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Congratulations. How does it feel to be in the semifinals once again?

BELINDA BENCIC: It feels great. Obviously we are very happy to make it the second time out of the group into the semifinals.

Yeah, it's an honor, obviously, and we are super happy that we didn't kind of drop any point yet so far, and of course it helped me so much that against Italy, Jil, she beat a very tight match, and she got through, and I had 1-0 to play. It's easier.

And then today again with Viki, she did so well to fight it out and beat Bianca in three sets. It's not easy. Also, I was, of course, it's a great feeling to go out on the court with the 1-0.

Q. On today's match against Leylah, obviously two very different sets. Can you talk through both of them and what you think was the key for winning that match?

BELINDA BENCIC: Well, yeah, I mean, the first set I played really incredible. I played really good. I felt like I couldn't miss the ball. I thought it was all really fast. In that moment, it's like 6-0, 1-0. Then as the ball change, of course it changes a lot, but I was expecting that it's going to be tight.

I mean, it's not easy to win 6-0 and 6-1, because that doesn't happen against players like this. Of course she's going to fight back. So I was like prepared for a tight match.

Of course I got a little bit tight in the end, but of course I think it's because I care really much and I really want to win. I was aware of the big occasion, that this is like serving out to get into the semifinal, but I felt like all my teammates, they got me through so much. Like Jil, she was talking to me. Viki, same thing. Just energy that we have, it's great, and I can really rely on them in tough moments.

Q. I'm wondering, as a player, is there more satisfaction from like a perfect first set like that where everything is working or a second set where you're really having to battle through?

BELINDA BENCIC: To be honest, like as a tennis player, we always say if you win 6-0, it's the most dangerous score you can have, or 6-1, because then the ball changes very early in the second set, which is very tricky. Obviously especially these balls, they get so worn out and then you have new balls which are like so fast.

Then it's not easy of course to also serve with these kind of balls but also then play. It changes like the dynamic of the game.

So, yeah, I'm satisfied with both sets. Obviously the first set I'm satisfied with my level of play, and then the second set I'm satisfied with how I managed to stay like tough when it mattered (smiling).

Q. This was obviously a really tough tie against a very strong team. The Swiss obviously don't have anything to prove because you're last year's finalist. You're really strong yourselves. But do you feel like you've made a bit of a point, a bit of a statement today with this win?

BELINDA BENCIC: Yeah, definitely. We showed that we are one of the world's best teams, that we are so consistent. I mean, so consistent. I mean, two times we are in the semifinal. But still, it's very consistent. And it shows that we really care, first of all, about Billie Jean King Cup and playing for our country.

I think we all showed up. We are making the best effort. It's the end of the season. It's a tough schedule. But still we are here and we are fighting. I think it shows that we really enjoy this and we care to play for our country. It's good that we made a good result again, no matter what happens after.

Q. Who do you think you will be playing in the semifinal?

BELINDA BENCIC: It's good that we don't play both. It's good that the strong teams, they beat each other and then we just have to beat one of them (smiling).

Q. Just to look ahead to that one, a word on the Czech team and a word on the U.S. team.

BELINDA BENCIC: Well, both are obviously the world's best teams, of course. It's just about not even like the depth of kind of their players. It's just incredible. The same with Czech Republic. The same with U.S. now. Like so many players are so good. Singles, doubles, they have everything.

Same with Czech Republic. They proved so many times they have a great doubles, so they kind of put you under pressure that you have to play well into the singles.

We managed to beat them last year, but still, it's another year. Again, they have a whole different team because they just have so many options. Same with the U.S.

We are just going to watch it. We are going to enjoy today and just worry about it tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
127037-1-1145 2022-11-11 16:08:00 GMT

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