THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.
Q. Welcome to Seville. Dawid, how have preparations been for the week and how much have you enjoyed your time in Seville so far?
CAPTAIN DAWID CELT: Hello, everyone. We just arrived yesterday. After first practice, we can say that everything is okay. All good. Good venue. Nice project. Nice project, very good courts. Everything we will need is around us.
So just start preparation, and I hope, I think everything gonna okay.
Q. Magdalena, for you, what are the expectations for Team Poland this week?
MAGDALENA FRECH: Of course, first of all we want to win our group and we will focus on the first matches. Yeah, I think we need to prepare very well. We have still four days. Yeah, I think we can prepare and we can win these matches.
Q. (Indiscernible question.)
MAGDALENA FRECH: First we play against Canada, I think. Yeah, it's gonna be two tough matches. For sure we have to, like, think before we will plan and everything. But we have good team, coaches. So we can prepare well.
Q. Can you maybe explain what does it change to play for Poland? What does it change in your approach maybe?
Q. Maybe for Magda. I don't know. For one of you. Just for the team, for players of the team.
POLISH PLAYER: Yeah, of course. Tennis is individual sport, so it's a different competition here. It's one week or two weeks during the year, so we can play together as a team.
It's something different. Yeah, for me it's something different. (Laughter.)
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports