Billie Jean King Cup

Friday, 10 November 2023

Team France

Varvara Gracheva

Press Conference


0-3 [Ret.]

Team France - 2

Team Germany - 0

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. That's not the way anyone wants a match to end, I guess, but can you sum up what the week has been like for you? Obviously that was your debut as well. Talk a bit through that.

VARVARA GRACHEVA: Well, yeah, this is my very first experience in Billie Jean King Cup. Yeah, like, all the emotions have been, yeah, for the first time. So something, yeah, very special, very exceptional. Of course like we have been all expected, both sides, like the long match with the battle and everything.

Yeah, I really enjoyed this first experience, anyway, because the team, like, they made me very comfortable here. So from the first seconds, I felt like it's my place, it's like home where I'm always accepted. Yeah, I'm just enjoying that.

Q. Could you talk a little bit more about the integration and transition into the team? Has it been better than you expected? What's been your relationship like with your fellow players?

VARVARA GRACHEVA: I mean, yeah, like, it went in the way that I cannot imagine something better than happened, yeah, like with me in this integration, actually.

I don't know, like, if you know this feeling when you're just, like, go in a group, and you feel like you are not alone there straightaway. So I suppose it's rarely happens with people. Honestly I'm very lucky to have the team like that.

Yeah, like, once again, I will enjoy it as much as possible.

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