Billie Jean King Cup

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Team Japan

Nao Hibino

Press Conference

A. BOGDAN/N. Hibino

6-2, 6-4

Team Japan - 0

Team Romania - 1

THE MODERATOR: What are your thoughts about the match? What was the key in this match?

NAO HIBINO: It was tough match. One thing I'm regret about is I couldn't control my emotion. You cannot do well while holding your anger.

She control her emotion better than me, so that was the key for the match, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: How difficult is it to start these kind of competitions and start the tie? How do you manage the pressure?

NAO HIBINO: Yeah, I wish I could do better today, but how? If I know how to do it, I did better today (smiling).

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
150578-1-1145 2024-11-14 13:04:00 GMT

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