Billie Jean King Cup

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Team USA

Taylor Townsend

Quick Quotes

T. TOWNSEND/R. Jamrichova

7-5, 6-4

Team Slovakia - 0

Team USA - 1

Q. Good vibe out there?

TAYLOR TOWNSEND: Kind of (smiling). Yeah, it was crazy, because it's not my first time, so I don't feel like it was my first time, but I was so nervous the entire match. I really was battling myself and my nerves, but I was just really happy the way I got through it.

Q. (Indiscernible question.)

TAYLOR TOWNSEND: Yeah, I think so, because, like, just being in this environment and also having the year that I had, I knew that I was able to lean on what I have been able to do over the past and the kind of player that I am.

I knew against my opponent that she was young and she hasn't really had a lot of matches on this level, so I knew that I would be able to kind of disrupt her and figure it out. Honestly, even though I wasn't playing my best tennis, I knew I could figure it out.

Q. How's Lindsay on the bench?

TAYLOR TOWNSEND: She's awesome. What I like the most is the fact that we all have communicated prior to the match, so there is no surprises when we get on the bench. There is no just, like, there are no wildcards, you know, like, we have all kind of had a communication of how we like to be coached, what we like when we are on the bench.

And there were times when she left me alone and times when she was a little bit more involved. I think that goes to show her experience as a past player and understanding kind of moments and situations and when to say things and when you need to insert yourself and when not to.

It was fantastic. She's great. I'm really happy I got through it, but the worst I have done, and now I'm going to go cheer on Danielle.

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