Billie Jean King Cup

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Team Poland

Captain Dawid Celt

Iga Swiatek

Katarzyna Kawa

Press Conference


6-2, 6-4

Team Poland - 2

Team Czechia - 1

THE MODERATOR: Well done, Team Poland. We will start with questions in English, please.

Q. Congratulations, all of you. Wonderful performance. Iga, could I start with you? Could I ask you to sum up your thoughts and emotions after a fantastic night?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I don't have many, because I can't think anymore (smiling).

No, for sure I'm super proud of me and Kasia and the whole team for, you know, just fighting today, because obviously I think in doubles, like, we weren't the favorites. You know, I never played doubles with Kasia.

I'm super happy that she was leading our doubles so well, and, you know, picking the right tactics and kind of telling me what to do, because I haven't been playing doubles in a while. So I think we really made a good team. That's what I think about right now.

Obviously, you know, I'm also happy with my singles win, because it wasn't an easy match. It was, I don't know, easy to give up at some point, but I didn't do that. I wanted to win and at least try (smiling).

So I'm happy that I pushed till the end, even though the energy level sometimes was pretty low. I don't know. I'm just proud that I kept pushing.

Q. Katarzyna, Happy Birthday. What did it mean to you to play so well and make such a massive contribution to a big night for your nation?

KATARZYNA KAWA: I know we are playing against very tough opponents. I know how good Iga is, and I know her strengths. I just tried to do my best to play our highest level possible and give it a chance.

As Iga said, we weren't the favorites. I played against Katerina a couple times and she beat me twice. I was, like, I'm not going to lose third time (smiling). So I'm pretty happy we made it.

Q. I know it's 2:00 in the morning, but was it a special moment for you, being your birthday?

KATARZYNA KAWA: Yeah, actually, I didn't know it's already, I mean, today. I didn't know what time it is, but for sure it's very special birthday for me.

Q. Iga, first time Poland have reached the semifinals of this competition. I imagine you've got designs to go further, but what does it mean to you to make history for Poland?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, it's amazing. It's a dream come true. I missed playing this event a couple times already, so when I actually have a chance now, I want to just make an impact and do something well.

So I'm happy that, you know, finally I got the opportunity with, you know, scheduling. It made sense to me for me to come here. Honestly, the tournament is amazing. It's much better than I expected. The atmosphere is also great. I'm happy that Polish fans came, and the whole experience is just wonderful.

I'm also happy that we have such amazing players in the team, and we really make a good job at making the atmosphere nice. It's always easier to play team events in such environment.

Q. Iga, congratulations. I was just wondering, was there ever a doubt about whether you would play the doubles? Like after your singles, was there a conversation, or was it just I really want to play?

IGA SWIATEK: No, no, I wanted to play. I wasn't sure -- you know, I didn't really knew how I felt after my singles, so I just needed to, like, get rid of some emotions and be ready for doubles.

But for sure I wanted to play, because, you know, I knew that if I'm going to say no regardless of the reason, I'm going to regret this, you know.

So, yeah, I'll keep pushing no matter what, and I'm happy that our doubles was pretty quick. We both made it quick and efficient, so for sure physically was easier to cope with that.

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