L. SAMSONOVA/A. Sabalenka
6-4, 2-6, 6-2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Tell us, what are your feelings after this great win against one of the favorites, Sabalenka?
LUIDMILA SAMSONOVA: It was amazing today because I think it was a tough match. We were both very nervous. It was more like a mental game.
We didn't play our best tennis, so it's incredible how I managed to bring this match at home.
Q. What was the key?
LUIDMILA SAMSONOVA: Find my first serve in the first set was a key. Also stay focused on the return.
Q. How are you feeling in Guadalajara? Is your first time?
LUIDMILA SAMSONOVA: First time here.
Q. How do you feel, the people?
LUIDMILA SAMSONOVA: No, it's amazing to play here. I love it. They are very kind to me. They are very friendly. I like to play here.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports