Porsche Tennis Grand Prix

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Coco Gauff

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Coco, welcome back to Stuttgart and the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix. You arrived yesterday and I believe you have had a hit already. Just talk us through your first practice sessions here.

COCO GAUFF: Yeah, I arrived yesterday. I hit yesterday, hit this morning, then hitting a little bit later after this.

Yeah, it was pretty smooth travel. We had a great week in Delray. I was ready to get over here, and we'll see how the week goes.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. On the week in Delray, just in terms of having it as, you know, the close of your kind of spring hard court season, transitioning into the clay, how good did it feel to kind of have that energy and that vibe before kind of starting this kind of important section of the season for you?

COCO GAUFF: Yeah, it was really needed, especially being at home in my home town. Feeling that energy was great. We had a great team. We had a lot of fun on and off the court, and I think that it was a great way to wrap up that part of the season and moving into this where Europe is, at least for the Americans, I feel like a little bit more isolated, so it was nice to have that weekend a couple days ago.

Q. It seems to be something easy, this change from the Billie Jean King Cup to this tournament, bouncing back from Florida to Europe and different surfaces? Is it the jet lag also hitting you already, or...

COCO GAUFF: I typically do well with jet lag, so that's not one of the concerns. I mean, I feel like this week is just a week just to see what I need to work on.

I mean, obviously the goal is to win, but I know of my circumstances, like coming from there I didn't know how I was going to feel. Right now I feel better than I thought I was. I was practicing really well today. So we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

I did practice on clay a lot before BJK Cup. Only did like maybe two days on hard right before then, just so I wasn't like messing up in the match. But my priority was to get ready for clay season.

I knew coming into this tournament it was going to be difficult, but I already had that mentality going in, and I knew that was going to be hard.

But I think putting myself in this circumstance will prepare me for the Grand Slams where I will be facing a little bit more adversity, I feel like, so I think that's why I wanted to play in Stuttgart this week.

Q. In terms of splitting with Diego at this part of the season and going into the clay and everything, can you talk a little bit about the decision around the decision to stop? And then what you're looking for and what your plans are coaching-wise for the clay season?

COCO GAUFF: Yeah, it wasn't really like my decision. He was having some personal things going on, so he had to step down. So I wouldn't say it was something that I think both of us didn't want to happen, because we did have such a good time together.

But, you know, I understand that, and I wish him nothing but the best. I know that he's always a person that if I need to call I'll pick up the phone, and I had a great year with him.

Regarding coaching, right now it's just me and my dad, back with him (smiling). You know, I had the goal of maybe getting a coach before the clay season, but I feel like after Miami is when I found out from Diego, so I didn't have like that much time to decide. Now I'm on the fence of more so just staying with the situation that I have now maybe instead of introducing someone new.

But we'll see. But I feel like I'm on the end of maybe keeping what I have now and then figuring someone out after Europe.

Q. Following up on that then, just in terms of the year working with Diego and just how your game did evolve, can you kind of highlight what you think he really helped bring to your game? I know in Miami you spoke about wanting to become a more aggressive player now going forward. Like how much of that do you need somebody to remind you of that, or does it feel like you need an anchor, you know, on that?

COCO GAUFF: I think with Diego, I mean, I definitely became a better clay court player. That showed in the results. I think I became a better decision-maker. I think I was making better decisions on the court.

Regarding me playing more aggressive, I think that is someone, that I need someone now I guess to continue to remind me of that. I feel like I have that conscious in my head right now so when I am in practice, I'm trying to do that more.

I feel like in the matches the decisions may not come as natural because you resort back to what you're used to, but I think in practice eventually that will transfer. And also, with Diego, I think he helped a lot with my serve. I was either leading or top 3 on the tour with double faults. Now I don't think I'm in the top 10 on that. So I think that was probably the biggest improvement I've made with him.

Q. What is your confidence at the moment since you changed? Obviously you had to split with Moyano, and you're starting a part of the clay season that last year you made the final in Paris, but at the moment, what is your confidence level?

COCO GAUFF: I feel like it's really high. I mean, I feel like after Miami it did drop a little bit because I did have a tough match. Then I had the BJK Cup where I had a good week there. I feel like putting in retrospect where I was last year to this year, I feel like definitely I'm a much better player and I have to trust in that.

I feel like when I step on the court the confidence is high, but I think throughout my life, not just even as a junior going into tournaments, I would get a lot of anxiety about where I was playing-wise, and then when I stepped on the court, I definitely feel like I can win the match.

I think it's just fighting those thoughts and understanding that I belong here. You know, and posture syndrome is a thing, so sometimes I get that, but it's something that I'm working on to realize I'm here for a reason and my ranking is here for a reason and I definitely deserve that.

Q. An important Coachella question for you. Sounds like you were able to catch the set, the Frank Ocean set?


Q. Coachella is one of those events that's a big thing in the States, but as a touring professional tennis player, you're probably never really going to be able to go to it when you're playing? Are there other events or is it just Coachella that you think about, man, I'll probably never to get to go to this thing even if I want to because of my job?

COCO GAUFF: I would say, yes, that one. I was like thinking in my head, I was like, maybe next year don't play Stuttgart (laughter). But then I was like, no, but I have to go to Madrid. Yeah, no, I don't think I'll ever be able to go for that, and I don't want to get injured.

Yeah, and I would say Met Gala is one of them. I think it's during the clay season, so that's probably the only other one, I'm like the only way that will work out, I will have to miss like an important part of the season, which right now, you know, early in my career probably won't happen.

Maybe later on, but yeah, I would say Met Gala is the next one. I wish it would stay like after US Open forever. That was good timing for us tennis players (smiling).

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