China Open

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Beijing, China

Zheng Qinwen

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Welcome to Beijing. Congratulations on your gold medal. Perhaps you could begin by telling us what that win means to you.

ZHENG QINWEN: Well, actually the Asia Games means a lot because it's my first time to play this kind of competition. Especially it's for my country, for my province, it's not only for myself as a WTA event.

I think this win will be really honor for my country and for my province.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Congratulations on your gold medal. How are you feeling coming into this event?

ZHENG QINWEN: Oh, I feel really good. I just finish my match two days ago, come really fast here to China Open. I have to switch my mind quite fast 'cause it's not too much time for me to have, like, time for rest.

Yeah, it's quite different tournament 'cause that one is for my country, for my province, and this one is just for myself.

I'm really happy to got my teams here with me. Let's see what happens here in China Open.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in Chinese.

Q. We all know that are many first times in the season, first time in the Asian Games. But the China Open is quite different. Do you have higher ambitions, expectations? The crowd here will be more professional. Could you talk about your feelings being here.

ZHENG QINWEN: Yes, a lot of first times this year. I wish I had more time to prepare for the China Open. But because of the Asian Games, I did not have enough time. But it doesn't matter. I will try my best.

The China Open has been held many times. The crowd will definitely be more professional or be more familiar with tennis than the crowd in the Asian Games.

This will be my first home court on the WTA Tour. I will do my best.

Q. This is your first time in the China Open. You just had your first practice. With so many fans around you, how did you feel?

ZHENG QINWEN: It was very heartwarming. When I was competing overseas, there weren't many fans when I practiced. But coming back to China, have a lot of Chinese fans cheering for me. They actually whispered in Chinese when I was practicing. I could hear them. That was quite friendly. I felt very nice during the practice.

Q. Now you are without a coach. Who is making plans for you in your practice right now?

ZHENG QINWEN: After the US Open, I have been practicing without a coach. I've been working very well with my fitness coach. He has been on the tour for a long time.

In this process, we also talk about training methods with my fitness coach. He is not only a fitness coach, but he can also coach me in terms of my game.

I'm feeling very well working with him. I am also looking for a hitting partner in China. That would be very helpful for my practice.

Q. You usually eat white rice as well as chicken breast meat. How do you keep so disciplined in your daily diet?

ZHENG QINWEN: I'm not as disciplined as you imagine. Only during a tournament I might be more disciplined. After the Asian Games, I actually relaxed a little bit, went out to have a local meal in hang somehow. Now I'm back in Beijing and I'm going back to my tour-level diet because I think my desire for winning is over my desire for food.

Q. When you were asked about your performance, you were saying it wasn't going as you expected. After winning the gold medal, do you feel a bit of relief so that you can continue to pursue a dream to the Grand Slams?

ZHENG QINWEN: I wouldn't say that 'relief'. I was the top seed in the Asian Games. I thought it was something attainable. That was the plan before the Asian Games. I thought the gold medal was a pretty pragmatic plan.

I was still on the tour. I'm not feeling less pressure. I am still having many more matches in this season. I want to focus on my next opponent. It's going to be a really good match.

Q. You talked about your fitness coach. Can you tell us his name? Is he someone you look over to during the match?

ZHENG QINWEN: It's a very interesting question. His name is Rob Brandsma. I started working with him after the US Open. I think he's a very successful fitness coach. He knows when to add more items in my practice, when to lessen the items in my practice.

He's also taking up the role of a tennis coach because I thought that is quite ideal for me. People are usually opposed to such an idea, having a fitness coach working as your tennis coach.

During the match, in the critical moments, I would also look to my team members. I actually did that during the Asian Games. I really recognize him as a true member of my team, someone I can rely on.

Q. Rybakina will be your first opponent in the China Open. In the first round, competing against a top-five player, it will be tougher than even a first round in a Grand Slam. When you heard about it, what was your reaction? How will you prepare for it?

ZHENG QINWEN: My reaction was I will keep on fighting because that is the case. In the first round, people are slowly getting into their rhythm. People are working through their game in the first and second round. It will be tough for both of us.

I don't have any special expectations for my draw. I only focus on the next match.

Q. You also mentioned in the Asian Games that you ended a collaboration with your former coach. People had high expectations for your collaboration. It ended suddenly. How did it happen?

ZHENG QINWEN: Because during the US Open I knew he had contact with the team of Osaka. Right after the match, he said to me that he felt like he had no connection with me. He never said that to me before. Right after I was defeated, he said that to me.

I felt very strange. I talked to my manager. I asked my manager whether he will go to Osaka's team. The manager said, no, he wouldn't be that kind of person. But after resting for a week, he suddenly told me that he was going to work with Osaka.

It was quite a big impact to me and my team members and my family. I cried after hearing that. There were no fights, no arguments in our collaboration. There was nothing new to me in this collaboration, but also he did not do anything wrong.

I thought that was an unethical end to that collaboration. I understand that Osaka can provide a better offer to him. I understand from his perspective this might be a better position. He has a family to support. I understand his decision, but it doesn't mean I will forgive him for making such a decision (smiling).

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137182-1-1004 2023-10-01 06:19:00 GMT

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