China Open

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Beijing, China

Daniil Medvedev

Press Conference

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. If you were to meet Alcaraz in the semifinals, what do you think would be the key to victory? Do you have any particular preparations or expectations for that potential encounter?

DANIIL MEDVEDEV: Yeah, I mean, first we both come here from Laver Cup so we need to win the first matches. Not going to be easy with the jet lag and everything. Usually you prepare more time. So now it's a short preparation.

But if we both meet, yeah, to play against Carlos is not easy, especially when he's on fire. I could see it when we played in Laver Cup. He was playing good there. The guys had no chance.

Yeah, you need to play your best. You need to try to put him under pressure all the time. That's where maybe you can get the chance. Yeah, that's the most important, to play your best tennis.

Q. You and Gael Monfils have been pretty close throughout your career. He leads your matchups on hard courts. How does the hard court play enter this matchup? What do you foresee for the matchup?

DANIIL MEDVEDEV: Yeah, I think we played more little bit a while ago, so I think it will be different. I'm different. He's different. It's normal, every year everything changes.

Actually interesting to see how it goes. Less matches. Yeah, I remember last one we played was Indian Wells, which is a little bit particular. It's, like, slow and tough to play there. Before that was Rotterdam 2019, I would guess, which was very long ago.

Yeah, it's going to be an interesting match against Gael. It's always interesting to play. Some great points, some great rallies. So looking forward to it.

Q. What is your first reaction when you see the draw yesterday? What is your goal for this year's China Open?

DANIIL MEDVEDEV: Yeah, I mean, whatever tournament I play, I want to win. It's a strong field in Beijing, like last year, it was the same. Also very strong. So for sure if I want to win the tournament, you need to play your best from the first to the last match. It's not going to be easy. But that's the goal.

Regarding the draw... Yeah, I mean, when Sinner, Alcaraz play, you know you're not the top two seed, you know it's going to be tough. In semifinals you're going to have to play one of them, if they get there.

But yeah, take it step by step. Try to improve my level step by step, and hopefully I can show some good tennis.

Q. This is a question about the Laver Cup. You just mentioned you finished this. Seems like the final result is really close. Team Europe beat Team World. Maybe your performance is a little bit under-perform. How do you feel about the overall Laver Cup? Any interesting story between your team you can share with us?

DANIIL MEDVEDEV: Yeah, honestly was a very great experience. Yeah, I know I was the only one on the team to get zero points. Everyone got at least one. But it's okay, that's why it's team competition. My team won, so it's okay. I was really happy.

My matches, I tried my best. It was two times super tiebreak. In a way, a little bit a lottery. You need to be very decisive, which I was not in these important moments. But I'm happy that the team got my back.

About the stories? There would be too many. Yeah, we spent some great time together, some great moments. I think it's never on the tour during the year where you support some of your rivals like this so much. You want them to win so much against the other guy. It's a fun experience. Really enjoyed playing it.

Q. I know it's a long journey from Berlin to Beijing. I'm not sure whether you noticed that it's a big week for China's men's tennis with Jerry winning his maiden title in Chengdu, and Zhang Zhizhen made the final in Hangzhou Open. What do you think this means to China men's team?

DANIIL MEDVEDEV: I think China tennis is improving. I don't want to lie, I don't know if someone was top 100, but nobody top 50 for sure. Zhizhen is there. I think Jerry maybe with his win, somewhere close. They played good tennis. Yibing Wu played great tennis, got injured. So China has very great tennis players. Davis Cup can be also interesting.

Look, they improve. That's the only way forward, is to improve. I like them both, so I wish them all the best - if they don't play me (smiling).

Q. You got a lot of support from Chinese fans. How do you feel about the atmosphere when you arrived here? Do you want to try something new about Chinese culture or food?

DANIIL MEDVEDEV: First of all, I love China. I love Chinese fans. I love Chinese food. I always like coming back. I usually play well here in China. Not all the time, but a lot of time...

I'm looking forward, yeah, to play this year. The stadium is going to be full. Who they going to support? It's all going to be an interesting experience.

About something new? Yeah, when you play the tournament, it's not easy. The better you play, the less time you have to see something new. So that's a goal.

Yeah, if you don't play well, maybe I'm going to see something (smiling).

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148560-1-1004 2024-09-25 07:19:00 GMT

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