China Open

Friday, September 27, 2024

Beijing, China

Carlos Alcaraz

Press Conference

C. ALCARAZ/G. Mpetshi Perricard

6-4, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations, Carlos. Well done today in straight sets. How do you assess your performance today on court?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I'm really happy with the level that I played today. It wasn't an easy match. Difficult to get the rhythm from the baselines.

But I think I did what I had to do: put some returns in, put some pressure on his service game, play good points when I had the chance from the baseline.

I think I did a really good match. Really, really happy to get through to the next round.


Q. Back to the end of the first set when you saved three break points, you had the intense emotion. You had the great rally at deuce. You got the time violation. The emotion you showed after winning the set. Talk about that moment, that momentum that led you to carry into the second set.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, yeah, I mean, playing against a player who has really big serves, I mean, I was able to return a lot of serves, but just had one break point. Coming from Love-40, I know that every return game for me is really tough. For me, saving three break points and be able to close the first set, it was really important for me.

Obviously, I was little bit mad about the time rule because I feel like I have no time. I have to run between points. I have no time to have a break, to rest or to breathe. I mean, if I finish the point at the net, which was the case, I have no time to go to the towel and do my routine. I was a little bit mad about it.

Yeah, the emotions of the close the first set, it was really important for me coming to the second set with energy and confident. That's what I did.

Q. Second year in Beijing. Can you share your thoughts on that. Also, there's some improvement in the player area, new facilities. Maybe you can talk about that.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I mean, this tournament, for me it's really, really good. We have a lot of facilities. The gym is pretty good, the locker rooms, the areas, the player lounge. I mean, everything is pretty good for the players.

Yeah, I like this tournament. I like playing here. I'm not going to lie, I feel comfortable here. That's all I can say.

And the fans, the people here is so kind. They are always trying, finding the ways to help us, make feel us as much comfortables as they can.

I mean, as I say, it's a great tournament.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
148637-1-1004 2024-09-27 10:13:00 GMT

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