6-0, 6-2
Q. You really dominated certainly the early part of that match. Can you just talk about that and how you felt?
BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Thank you so much. Yeah, I mean, I was feeling well. I think I was playing solid today. I think with every single match I'm getting better and better. I'm happy with that.
Yeah, I mean, I really enjoyed playing on the big stadium here in Sydney with some fans cheering for us. I think the atmosphere was nice, yeah, and I enjoyed it.
Q. When you get into a roll where game after game is falling to you six, seven, whatever number of games in a row, what does that feel like when you're in the middle of that situation?
BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: You know, I just focus on the next ball. I'm not really thinking about how many games I'm leading or how many games I won. I go really point by point. I'm trying to add another one.
Q. It's all to do in the mind at that stage? How tough do you feel or how focused do you feel at those moments? Does it register with you?
BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I think I gotta be really focused during the whole match, and it doesn't really change, doesn't change during the match. I just try to be focused all the time and try to play every single point the best that I can and try to win it.
Q. What are your thoughts now about the next match?
BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I think it's going to be a huge match. Yeah, Anett, she's on a big roll. She's playing well.
Yeah, I mean, she does good things and I'm really looking forward to play against her and see where my level is right now and how well was the offseason.
Q. It wasn't that long ago that you played her. Do you take anything away from that match a month and a half ago, or do you start completely fresh this time?
BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I think with my coach we are gonna look at the match and we are gonna see what were the positive things and what were the negative things. For sure, I will try to not to do the many negative stuff.
I mean, I think that the conditions are good for me. I really like playing in Australia. So I believe it's going to be great. Yeah, I'm just looking forward to play.
Q. Next week you're starting Australian Open as the No. 4 seed. Does it put you in a different position, different kind of pressure? Do you feel obligated to do well because of that?
BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I don't feel obligated to do well. I think, you know, I'm just gonna play tennis. I'm just gonna go out there and just try to perform the best way I can.
You know, like the season, I want to keep winning and I want to keep adding like more events under my belt. But, you know, it's the beginning of the season, and you never know. It's very tricky. I mean, all the players, they are very ready also.
Yeah, I'm just gonna, as I said, I'm just gonna enjoy, I'm just gonna play the best possible way I can, and let's see how well I can do at the Australian Open.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports