Adelaide International

Saturday, 13 January 2024

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Rajeev Ram

Joe Salisbury

Press Conference


7-5, 5-7, 11-9

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations on the win and another title together. I've got written down that this is title No. 14 together; is that correct? Does that sound right?

RAJEEV RAM: Yeah, yeah, maybe. That could be right.

Q. How do you two as a team work together so well to get to 14 titles because that's massive?

JOE SALISBURY: I guess play together for quite a long time. That helps. Yeah, obviously we've had a successful partnership. This is our sixth year together, and we've done great. I think we've developed as a team over the years. I think we've improved our game in a lot of different areas, and we've just managed to -- I think the main thing we're happy about is a lot of the titles that we've won are the bigger tournaments, some of the Masters and Slams, which is kind of the ones we focus on the most, but it's great to get these ones, as well, and I think we're really happy with how we fought hard today, even though to get the title, even though Melbourne is just around the corner.

Q. Talk me through the match, especially that first set. You were down four love and then to win seven of the last eight games, what was the momentum shift in that first set?

RAJEEV RAM: I think that's one of the things we are trying to do better and better is they came out and played amazing. We probably didn't play our best. But sometimes in the past when we've had situations like that, we've maybe not competed as well as we would have liked, and I think we did an amazing job kind of hitting that goal of just always sticking there, you never know what can happen, and we ended up stealing that first set, not even in a breaker, which is crazy, considering how it started.

I think that was a huge positive for us in today's match. There wasn't any secret to it. We just kept fighting and kept competing and trying to win one more point.

It's probably not going to happen like that more often than not, but you never know when it does.

Q. The week as a whole, how have you found the International and Adelaide as a city?

JOE SALISBURY: Yeah, it's been a great week. Almost a couple weeks we got here pretty early. This is our first tournament together of the year, so came out here quite early. Had a lot of days of practice and kind of getting used to conditions and weather and everything.

But yeah, we've had a great time. It's always a nice tournament, staying just across the river. We've had good crowds, especially today was really nice to play on the Centre Court and have a good crowd for this match. But yeah, it's a really nice city, and we've enjoyed ourselves.

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