United Cup

Friday, 29 December 2023

Perth, Western Australia, Australia


Captain Jorge Aguirre

Alexandro Davidovich Fokina

Sara Sorribes Tormo

Roberto Carballes Baena

Marina Bassols Ribera

David Vega Hernandez

Rosa Vicens Mas

Press Conference


6-4, 7-5

Team Spain - 2

Team Brazil - 1

THE MODERATOR: Jorge, just your reactions on the matches and your thoughts on your team's performance.

CAPTAIN JORGE AGUIRRE: Well, first of all, play a tournament like this, no, living with all the team, the box, three matches like today, makes something really special. Playing under the colors of your country is something for me was amazing. And I'm so happy for them how they were fighting. They were, like, really into every point. So nice to see them, all the team, like, shouting and excited.

THE MODERATOR: Sara, you obviously had a tough singles match and to come back and win that doubles, can you give us your overall thoughts on your performance today.

SARA SORRIBES TORMO: Well, in the singles match I think it was closer than what the score says in the second set because I think I had many, many chances. I know she's a really good player, and so I knew it was going to be difficult.

Yeah, I just need to change my mind, because I really wanted to play the mixed. It was something I was really looking forward since long time ago. Yeah, I really enjoy it. I think Alejandro, he also played really, really good. It was a pleasure for me to play with him.

THE MODERATOR: Finally, Alejandro, just your thoughts on your singles win and then coming back to win the mixed doubles.

ALEJANDRO DAVIDOVICH FOKINA: Well, just to say, as you can see, we are, like, a big team. There was not one space at the bench. That means a lot to us when we are fighting on court.

Then, you know, talking about my match, is never easy to start the season. The first set is gonna be, you know, a lot of --





Doubts. It's gonna be a lot of doubts in the beginning, but when I won the first set, was, like, easier for me to play. And to come back and play with Sara, I think we had a very great time on court, and I think we enjoy a lot. We didn't care -- obviously we care -- but the result was like the last thing we were enjoying there, and just to keep improving also.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Alejandro, you take on Hubert next. You beat him last time you faced him. I think it was a while ago in 2022. How much confidence do you have going into that one?

ALEJANDRO DAVIDOVICH FOKINA: Well, with Hubi, the head-to-head is 3-2. At the end, he's a very good player, he's top 10. He played last year in Torino. Then it's gonna be a very hard match, because I saw that he was playing exhibition, and then he is on rhythm.

Then I will enjoy. I will be, like, to be part of the team of Spain, it's a pleasure. Then I think I'm gonna do my best, and let's see.

Q. Sara, you have Iga. How much of a challenge is that for you early on in the season? How excited are you for that matchup and just in general?

SARA SORRIBES TORMO: Well, playing Iga, it's something incredible, because I think even if she beats you, that was what happened the last two times we played, she beat me, but I really learned.

I'm really looking forward to play her, to have time with her on court. I'll try to enjoy it. I'll try to play my best, because it's going to be difficult.

Yeah, as Alex said, it's always difficult to start the season. So let's try to make it long and have fun and enjoy it.

Q. I want to just ask you, what's it like teaming up for doubles and experiencing that success together when there's a lot on the line rather than it just being singles and then that's it?

ALEJANDRO DAVIDOVICH FOKINA: Can you repeat the question, please?

Q. How satisfying is it to be able to team up in doubles and to be able to get the result for your country?

ALEJANDRO DAVIDOVICH FOKINA: Well, it was my first time here, but it's curious because I didn't know how it's going to be, because to play against -- I always play against two mens. And play with one woman in front of you, I don't know if I have to hit hard or if I have to be more calm. But at the end, she is top 20 and she know that it gonna be very fast the points.

She knows, she knows too. For me was fun to enjoy and to see how is the doubles mixed, because I didn't know.

Q. To Sara and to Alejandro, when you come up against players ranked higher like Hubi, like Iga, and you're in a team situation, how important is it to have people around you sitting on the bench, to have the captain there advising when you have come up against those sort of players?

SARA SORRIBES TORMO: Maybe they are better players than us, because that's what the ranking said, but I'm sure that we have better team (smiling).

So with all the support and with everyone behind that, it's going to be, I will say, a bit more easier or -- but yeah. I think that's the good part from this tournament, from this competition.

I'm very happy for today, because I lost my singles, but I was able to play the doubles. Yeah, because it's like that. Yeah, for sure we're gonna go all together and it's gonna be good, for sure.

Q. Sara, just facing Iga, when you play her compared to when you play, for example, I don't know, Sabalenka, Rybakina, what makes her, Iga, different? What is the challenge? What is the unique challenge that she presents?

SARA SORRIBES TORMO: I'm going to say something that I don't know if I have to say, but she's the best. That's what I think.

I think she's doing all the things right. Is a player that I really look at her of how she does many, many things.

So for me it's going to be very challenging, but very nice, as well. I will try to enjoy, I will try to improve, I will try to, as I said, make it long, stay as much as I can on court with her. It's going to be a privilege for me and I'll try to take it that way.

Q. So when you go in to play somebody like Iga compared to the others, do you feel a sense of -- I'm not saying negative -- but you feel you've got much less chances against her than you have going in against the others?



SARA SORRIBES TORMO: Yes, but I don't think it's something bad. I don't think it's something bad. It's just the truth.

I played Barty two years ago, which for me was the real test before Iga, and I remember when I was warming up with her just looking at her, like, oh, my God, how good are you doing that? At the end of the day, I beat her. So I don't think it's impossible. Of course I don't think that.

But I don't even think it's bad. If you take it a positive way, if you take, like, you respect her and you know she's going to do the good things and that makes you have a better mentality because you're not going to get mad if you're not winning the points, because you know she's doing it better.

If you take it that way, for me, it's positive.

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139953-1-1063 2023-12-29 09:34:00 GMT

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