United Cup

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Team Czech Republic

Marketa Vondrousova

Press Conference


6-1, 3-6, 6-3

Team Czech Republic - 1

Team Serbia - 0

THE MODERATOR: Marketa, congratulations. First win the 2024. Give us your overall thoughts on the match today.

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I mean, it's nice to have a win in the new season. Yeah, I think she was playing a very good match. It was very tough. Two lefties, it's always something new.

Yeah, I was just pushing myself and fighting till the end. I'm very happy to get that win.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. The first two matches have been very tough for you. Is it just really down to the fact that it's the start of the season, you haven't got into a bit of a rhythm yet?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I mean, like you cannot expect it's going to be 6-2, 6-2 all the time. I'm very happy that I won three-setter today. It's very important for my game, too.

The first match I was a bit sore from the beginning, but then I played a great second set. Yeah, she's 15 in the world, so it wasn't the easiest match to start the season with.

Yeah, I'm just very happy that I kept fighting today. It's very important for me.

Q. Is that the most important aspect for you, the mental side of it, getting through?

MARKETA VONDROUSOVA: Yeah, I think that's the most important one, just to stay, like, in the games, in the sets. Yeah, for me it's important to have as many matches as I can before any Grand Slam.

I'm happy to play three-setters, so... Yeah, that's it.

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