United Cup

Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Team China

Zheng Qinwen

Press Conference

Team Poland - 2

Team China - 0

THE MODERATOR: Obviously a tough result today, but a great performance here in Perth. Can you talk about the United Cup experience.

ZHENG QINWEN: Yeah, actually was a great experience for me to play in the United Cup. Everything was new. If you talk about performance today, actually I wasn't so happy about my performance. Generally I play not bad here. I enjoy a lot the time with my Chinese team. I mean, that was fun, together.

That's all what I can say. Obviously right now it's time to prepare for the next tournament. Yeah, let's see.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
140098-1-1004 2024-01-03 06:22:00 GMT

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