United Cup

Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Team Australia

Alex de Minaur

Press Conference

A. de MINAUR/N. Djokovic

6-4, 6-4

Team Australia - 1

Team Serbia - 0

THE MODERATOR: Alex, congratulations. Your first career win over the World No. 1. Can you just talk about the match today and your performance and how it feels to play in front of this Perth crowd.

ALEX de MINAUR: Yeah, it feels amazing. Yeah, it's hard to put into words. It's a very good feeling. Everything that could have gone well went well today.

Yeah, I'm happy that I can say I got a win over the GOAT (smiling).


Q. Alex, congratulations on tonight. That was amazing. In your postmatch interview you sort of mentioned this was for the doubters and to prove them wrong. Can you go into a little bit more in depth about what the doubters have said and who they might be and how that motivated you?

ALEX de MINAUR: No, look, I mean, it's something I've heard my whole career. I'm not big enough, I'm not strong enough, I'm a pusher, don't have the firepower. Never going to be a top player.

But, you know, I hear this week in, week out. The only thing that does is give me more fire and adds more gasoline to this engine that's ready to do everything in its power to prove people wrong.

Hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I know that I'm going to get the absolute most out of myself.

Q. What was different between the other night and tonight? One thing I noticed, there was less animation from you tonight. You looked, let's say, more reserved but still going for everything. But apart from that, what was different or similar?

ALEX de MINAUR: Yeah, look, I mean, ultimately it's tough for me to go out there and start getting animated from the very first point when last time we played a year ago I got taught an absolute lesson on Rod Laver Arena, right? So at this stage I'm just going about my business, trying not to poke the bear, trying to go point by point, focus on what I'm trying to do. Ultimately I thought I played exactly the way I needed to.

I served unbelievable technically for my standards. I was able to apply pressure when I needed to, and stay solid, and do exactly what the game plan was. Very happy with that.

Q. After beating the world's best player and someone who you labeled the GOAT, do you feel going into Melbourne Park that you can win it?

ALEX de MINAUR: I mean, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. I've just walked off the court about 15 minutes ago, so it's safe to say I still haven't processed what just happened.

Look, the level is there. Five sets is a different beast. But I'm happy with where my level is, where I am mentally, and the mindset I've got going in. And I definitely know that I've got a very high top level and I would love to bring it for Melbourne.

Q. Great win tonight. You mentioned the AO. Rusty is your idol on the court. But what about off the court? In 2005 he proposed to his then-girlfriend Bec. Will we get a proposal to Katie after the AO?

ALEX de MINAUR: (Laughter.) Jeez. Putting me on the spot here.

Yeah, it's not on the cards just yet. Not ruling it out. But yeah, for the time being, I'm going to try and focus on playing tennis and then we'll think about the off-court activities.

Q. If you win the AO?

ALEX de MINAUR: Jeez (smiling). Wouldn't be a bad way to celebrate it, let's just say that.

Q. Deal.


Q. You said earlier too you were showing that you've got more tricks in your bag than what other people believe. Are there still more we haven't seen after tonight?

ALEX de MINAUR: I sure hope so. I mean, I think my whole career has been based on myself finding different ways to improve and different ways to get better.

So no matter what I've done the years I've played, I've always tried to find different areas where I can improve, get better, be more competitive, and especially play and beat these top guys, right? Because you've got to bring a different type of level. You know, hopefully there's more to bring.

Q. Playing for Australia with Lleyton in your corner, how important is he during these big matches for yourself?

ALEX de MINAUR: Yeah, look, it's no secret, Lleyton has been a mentor and someone I've looked up to from a very young age. My Davis Cup captain. We've shared a lot of great memories on the court. I'm extremely grateful for him to be there.

But as well my almost lifetime coach, Adolfo Gutierrez, who I've been with since I've been eight years old. It's been quite a journey together from back then to now beating the World No. 1, it's pretty special and I couldn't have done it without him.

Q. One of your good mates from Davis Cup, John Millman, is about to retire, as you're well aware. What sort of a legacy you think he leaves for Australian tennis and particularly amongst your cohort?

ALEX de MINAUR: I think John Millman has been one of the most important people in my career. He's been one of those guys that has paved the way, showed me exactly what it takes to be a tennis player, and the ultimate professional.

He's got the values, the work ethic. Everything that you want as a human being and as a tennis player, he's got it. He's exactly the person that the younger generation should be looking up to. Because if the younger generation can have half of the attitude that Johnny Millman has, there will be a lot of great things coming up.

He's gotten the absolute most out of his career. Every single day I've been on the court with him, off the court, always positive, always finding ways to get better, doing all the right things, and getting the absolute most out of his career.

I will definitely miss him on tour, and he's been a huge part of my career.

Q. Just wondering, in terms of comparing tonight's win to the one against Nadal last year, how do you compare the two? Which one is more satisfying and your thoughts on those two?

ALEX de MINAUR: Yeah, I don't know. I guess this one is the first because it's World No. 1, and honestly, like, as I said, last time we played I was lucky to get games, right, to the point where I felt almost embarrassed on the court.

I think it's been a nice little changeup from one year ago. I'm happy that I was able to play that sort of tennis, that level and especially have that mentality. It's not easy to walk back out on court after you've been kind of thrashed last time.

Q. On that Nadal match, did the fact that you beat him last year, did that enter your mind at all with this match on this occasion? And the other thing is it's an incredible achievement what you have had tonight, but it's not something you have done before. Often, when a player beats somebody huge like that, it's difficult to maintain that and stay at that level. Do you think that having a couple of days off, hopefully we get to the semis, that that's going to be a benefit and you'll be able to get over this?

ALEX de MINAUR: Well, let's try to stay with the positives here, huh (smiling)? Let's be happy I had a great win today and we'll see what comes of the next one.

But first of all, we've got to worry about Ajla playing, and hopefully she gets the job done, and if that's not the case, then we've got the mixed doubles. I'm looking forward to going out there and cheering them on.

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140101-1-1063 2024-01-03 11:26:00 GMT

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