Australian Open

Thursday, 19 January 2023

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Daniel Evans

Press Conference

D. EVANS/J. Chardy

6-4, 6-4, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations. How are you feeling coming off court?

DANIEL EVANS: It was good. It was a good day. The conditions were pretty tough. So happy to get out in three straight sets. It was a pretty solid performance.


Q. You did a good job of not getting involved in the big row in the first set.

DANIEL EVANS: The only part I wanted to clear up was I was just simply asking the umpire why it was a let. I didn't see any of, like, what happened, because obviously the play was all in the other corner.

Yeah, I think it went on a bit too long, and it got cleared up, and then did a good job of holding.

Q. When things like that happen and it's your opponent getting involved, do you think, Oh, that's probably quite good for me because he's going to be annoyed about it?

DANIEL EVANS: No, not really. I mean, I know Jeremy relatively well, so I didn't really want it to sour, you know, the match. It was a good competitive match. If it was someone I didn't know so well, I'd be hoping he was getting fired up and a bit, you know, angry with the situation.

I don't really know what to make of what happened. I don't really know who was in the right and who was in the wrong. I didn't see it happen. It was just a pretty awkward situation, yeah.

Q. I know it's a big ambition to have a deep run at a Grand Slam. What would it mean to you if you obviously do that here?

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, I mean, that's what everybody, you know, they play the game for. It's what everybody wants. Everybody dreams of when they're young. As you guys know, it's very hard to do. I've done my job so far, you know, win my matches relatively well. You know, whoever I play next will be a tough match.

You know, it's about focusing -- sounds boring -- but focusing on the next opponent and put my game on the court and make it as tough as I can with my game style, you know.

Unfortunately it's not as easy as to serve well and hit my forehand well like, you know, the bigger guys out there. It's tough to get the wins. It will be another tough match the next round.

Q. Challenging weather conditions this week. The balls, a lot of talk they get fluffy after about a game and a half or two. They might suit the flatter hitters. You might get one of them in Rublev next. How have you found them in terms of conditions? If you do end up getting Rublev, do you think that will suit him a bit more?

DANIEL EVANS: I mean, the ball was definitely slower today, but I'm playing Jeremy who hits the ball very hard. I noticed the balls were getting a bit older today, but it was pretty cold. I didn't notice they were getting old when it was 37 degrees. I was on a smaller court and they were very quick.

I think the ball responds pretty well to the court. I think it's a good ball for this court. It's a pretty quick court. I thought, yeah, they got a little older, but, you know, people are hitting the ball pretty hard and I'm not sure what's expected of the ball.

Q. Have you seen Tiafoe's Nike outfit he's been wearing? What do you make of it? Would you potentially wear one if you were offered?

DANIEL EVANS: Do you think I would wear that (smiling)? Okay.

I think Frances pulls it off pretty well. He definitely has the physique to pull it off, but you wouldn't see me wearing a singlet or whatever they're called, vest, I don't know what people call them now.

Yeah, he does it pretty well, I think. You've got to back it up if you wear something like that, and he's definitely doing that.

I think, yeah, it suits him, his personality, and how he plays the game. He's great for the game. He's always, you know, pretty positive, smiling, and good character, yeah.

Q. Your viewing habits have become an area of interest after your Roy Keane sessions. I feel like I need to ask you what else have you been watching since then?

DANIEL EVANS: If I'm honest with you, I watch a lot of sport, I watch Big Bash most nights, I've been to two games since I've been here. Yeah, I did look last night, I think it's Thunder-Renegades today. Yeah, probably watch that tonight.

Q. Watching that instead of Murray?

DANIEL EVANS: Depends if I'm in the room or not. Who knows?

No, I'll watch a bit of Andy, obviously. It's interesting. Yeah, that's what I really like about here and US Open, you know, you get to watch the night matches, a lot of sport on the television. That's why I love both the tournaments.

Q. When you won the point, do you think it would be easier in that situation, because it did rumble on for 10 minutes, as you said, they've got video technology these days, screens on the court, I can sit in the stands and see it in seconds on my phone, do you think it's easier if video technology was used a bit more to clear that up?

DANIEL EVANS: I think the rule should be if a ball comes out of your pocket, you lose the point. I don't know why we give them any -- you're giving people the chance. He missed the ball.

I'm using this as an example because it obviously happened today. If you serve, for instance, and the ball comes out of your pocket, why is it a let? I think it's the worst rule ever. I think the rule needs to change rather than the video. If a ball comes out your pocket, it's your own fault.

Q. The first match involving you when Bagnis' hat came off...

DANIEL EVANS: I did, actually. Good memory. I forgot that.

Q. If it is Rublev, obviously you've had some good battles with him, what do you think about that one?

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, I've never played him in a Grand Slam, so it's slightly different. Yeah, I look forward to it. I mean, the matches I want to play in.

Yeah, I come here, you know, wanting to get into the third round where my seeding should get me. Then, you know, it's a match I can win, but it's also a very tough match. Yeah, I look forward to it. It's going to be good fun.

Obviously my plan will be to frustrate him with my game, and I have done that pretty well the last few times. We'll see how he responds. I'm sure he'll have a different plan if he wins, yeah.

Q. If it's a night match, does that make any difference? You have played him during the day a couple times.

DANIEL EVANS: As long as it's not first and the sun is out of the way, I don't care when it is. The sun is really difficult position when I'm first. Yeah, it would be nice to be a bit later in the day, but I'm pretty relaxed whenever it will be, yeah.

Q. You mentioned it's not easy for you always against bigger, stronger players. Does it give you any extra satisfaction what you have been able to achieve in your career given the size difference between players and things like that?

DANIEL EVANS: No. Yeah and no. I mean, everybody's dealt the cards, and that's, you know, I'm sure some people would like to have a bit more skill and feel. I'd like to have a bit more power. It is what it is.

Yeah, no, I think everybody's got their weaknesses, everybody's got their strengths, and I'm fine with that, and, you know, it's still serve bigger, still working to hit the ball harder to serve bigger, so it's part of the game, yeah.

Q. Any particular players you have enjoyed watching since you have been here?

DANIEL EVANS: Obviously here in Melbourne, so Stars, so Joe, I think it's Joe Clarke, he opens for Melbourne. Plays for Nottingham, I think. He's English, as well. Pretty good T20 player to watch.

No, I don't have a team. Watch pretty much any of it. It's good viewing, yeah.

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128543-1-1063 2023-01-19 03:35:00 GMT

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