Australian Open

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Camila Giorgi

Press Conference

C. GIORGI/A. Pavlyuchenkova

6-0, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Camila, well done today. It was tough conditions, but a very straightforward match for you. Just talk through your thoughts on the match.

CAMILA GIORGI: Yeah. I think it was a great match. Especially first, it's very good to start the day. So yeah, it was great. Great feelings and happy to be back here.

Q. There have been a lot of allegations against you in the press. Do you want to address them? Is there anything you want to say about them?

CAMILA GIORGI: I didn't hear very good.

Q. The reports in Italy about your vaccination status, do you want to address them? Do you want to say anything about them?

CAMILA GIORGI: Yeah, of course. Yes. When they did talk before to know the situation. Of course, the doctor has been investigate, and she had troubles in this year with the law a few times.

So I did -- I just did all my vaccination in different places. So the trouble is hers. Not me. So with that, I'm very calm. Of course, if not, I couldn't come here and play this tennis, I think.

Q. Did you rely on any documentation provided by that doctor to satisfy your requirements to enter Australia?

CAMILA GIORGI: I'm not in dangerous. Not at all. She's in trouble, so I don't need to...

Q. Just that question, did you rely on any documents provided by that doctor to satisfy your entry requirements in Australia?

CAMILA GIORGI: Yes, of course, I did everything what they ask, the Australia government. Each year we are fine with that.

Q. You said yes, but I want to make sure you understood the question because I'm not sure you did. Did you rely on documents provided by that doctor to do the right thing by Australia, to provide what you needed to provide? Did you rely on her documents?

CAMILA GIORGI: Of course. If not, I wouldn't be here.

THE MODERATOR: Does someone else want to phrase the question?

Q. Did you use that doctor? Were you vaccinated by that doctor?

CAMILA GIORGI: Once. The other vaccination, I did it in different kind of places, so it's what I'm trying to explain.

Q. Did you go to other places before --


Q. -- you knew of her background?

CAMILA GIORGI: No, no. I didn't knew that. She have these problems. Me, I figure out before come here. She put on my name, of course, but there is more than 300 people who she give the names, so well...

Q. She specifically alleges that you came to her seeking a false vaccination certificate. That was her testimony. Is that true?

CAMILA GIORGI: It's what I'm saying, I did just once vaccination with her, and the other ones I did with other doctors. So I'm fine, and she the one -- she's in trouble with the law in Italy. So after it's she's going to see.

Q. So she says you came looking specifically for a fake document.

CAMILA GIORGI: No, not at all, because I did vaccination with different places, and this need to be very clear because it's a big thing they say all around, and it's not my problem. It's her problem.

Q. Have you sought clarity on whether the vaccine that she administered to you was real?

CAMILA GIORGI: Of course. I did all vaccination, yes.

Q. So you had an extra one maybe to make up just in case?

CAMILA GIORGI: I did the vaccination. Thank you.

THE MODERATOR: Next question.

Q. The vaccine that she provided you, was it for COVID?

CAMILA GIORGI: What do you mean? The vaccination is vaccination.

Q. Right, but was it a COVID vaccine?

CAMILA GIORGI: I already answered the question about the vaccine, and it's fine.

Q. You said it was a vaccine. I'm asking whether it was a COVID vaccine.

CAMILA GIORGI: It's a vaccination. If you read the things, there is one vaccine.

Q. So just COVID, okay.


FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
128465-1-1878 2023-01-17 03:01:00 GMT

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