Laver Cup

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Team World

Tommy Paul

Flash Interview

C. RUUD/T. Paul

7-6, 6-2

Team Europe - 2

Team World - 6

Q. Tommy, a disappointment for you in that match, but there were some tight moments in it, as well.

TOMMY PAUL: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know, I thought I had a decent look to break for 15-30 in, like, the third game of the match and had a few unforced errors there. Then he ended up breaking me the next game, so I was kind of uphill battle from there.

Got the break back, and, I mean, it was really a high-level breaker, high-level first set in general.

I mean, he came up with the goods on my set point. He had a great wide serve there. Caught me leaning a little bit. Then played a couple really good points to close out the set. Then, you know, I started slow in the second, which can't really do that against good players.

Q. What was Johnny Mac telling you courtside, trying to encourage you?

TOMMY PAUL: You know, it was kind of like a team effort. Everybody on the bench was talking too. I mean, I didn't really feel like I was playing too bad. Obviously not good enough. He was playing some really good tennis. The court is very, very slow, so I think he probably likes that a little bit.

But he was just telling me to try and not defend cross with the forehand, defend line, and keep getting to the net, because I was winning a lot of points at the net. I was volleying pretty well. So I was trying to force that a bit.

Q. The atmosphere was pretty special out there, as well. How do you play with that? Does that create a few more nerves, a bit more pressure?

TOMMY PAUL: No, I wouldn't -- I mean, we have played in some pretty good atmospheres, for sure. At this point, I hope you that we're all kind of used to playing in front of a bunch of people. I think that we are.

It didn't change too much in the match. There wasn't any, like, really nervous errors between either of us. It was just he stepped up when I didn't, and obviously, you know, you're playing for a team. I'm not really concerned about the crowd. I just want to do good for my team.

Unfortunately I couldn't do it today. We got a point on the board yesterday, and tomorrow hopefully I can get out there and put points on the board.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136939-1-1145 2023-09-24 01:21:00 GMT

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