Laver Cup

Friday, 20 September 2024

Berlin, Brandenburg, Germany

Team Europe

Carlos Alcaraz

Press Conference


7-6, 6-4

Team Europe - 2

Team World - 2

THE MODERATOR: Carlos, thank you for coming in after that match. What are your thoughts on the game?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I think it was a really good game, honestly. I think we played great. I think it was bad luck in the first set. I think the first three points, we lost two points with good rally, I mean, against them who was really good serve. It was really difficult to play doubles with that kind of player.

And then the second set we had all chances to break their serve, and we didn't make it, and bad luck in the 4-All with Sascha's serve.

I'm really happy that we played doubles, that we don't used to play so much doubles. But I'm really happy about it. I enjoyed a lot. Yeah, we talk a little bit about the match with Sascha after that, and yeah, we both are really, really happy about it. So congratulations to them, and tomorrow we really focus on the day.


Q. It was your first Laver Cup match. How did you find the atmosphere and the whole vibe compared to, like, a normal tour match or a Grand Slam?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, it is different. Honestly with the crowd probably I feel the same as probably other tournaments. They were great, once again.

With the team, I mean, it was a different feeling that I loved (smiling). I loved these feelings, all the players in the bench supporting us, really pumped up.

Yeah, it was a really good experience for my first Laver Cup match. Really want to experience this again in the singles tomorrow. Yeah, it's gonna, well, it has been a really good time for me.

Q. Carlos, Roger said tonight was the first time he's seen you play a match live. How was it to play in front of him? We saw he came to see you on the practice court earlier. Did he give you any feedback on your game or anything like this?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, it was great, honestly, playing in front of him. It's the first time that he watch one of my matches in real life, and I'm really happy that he was there, you know, watching our doubles.

As I said, he watch doubles match. Well, I think I'm good but I'm not as good as the singles, I guess (smiling). I hope to see him tomorrow in the singles. I hope he enjoyed the doubles match. Obviously was great seeing him in the practice.

He didn't tell me any tactic, any advice, but I mean, he just told me that he's really happy about watching me in real life, that I'm here.

So it was a great time for me that, I mean, I wish that moment for a long time, so it was a really good time.

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148427-1-1145 2024-09-20 22:37:00 GMT

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