Q. Francisco, what did you learn from that experience you had in '22, coming up at the end of the year and playing in that -- getting a pinch-hit in that Wild Card series game that maybe helped you out with this first full playoff experience?
FRANCISCO ALVAREZ: I learned everything is about winning, and we've got to compete every single pitch in the playoffs and in the regular season too. I think the more important is stay focused on the game and like stay on count too and everything is coming.
Q. What is your favorite thing about Mark Vientos?
FRANCISCO ALVAREZ: He's swaggy. He's swaggy, how he look every day and how he walk, how confident he look. I love that for him.
Q. What has Jose Iglesias meant for this team, and how were you guys able to rally around the OMG song?
FRANCISCO ALVAREZ: I think he's one of the bigger things for our team because he brings the energy every day. He's tried -- he's the whole day talking. He's talking, talking. He always has this song on, and he keep the game -- he makes fun for everybody in the clubhouse. He's a great clubhouse guy, and he helps us in the clubhouse.
Q. What's the key to controlling the Brewers' running game on the bases, stealing bases?
FRANCISCO ALVAREZ: I really think the key is the pitcher, they have to be a little bit more quicker. They have to change the tempo in every pitch and make them feel uncomfortable on the bases.
Yesterday Seve, he does a very good job. He changed the tempo. He do a quick pitch. He do a regular move, like he pick a couple times to third base. So I really think it's just like change the tempo and try to be a little bit quicker to home plate.
Q. Is that something in the middle of the game, in the dugout in between innings, you'll remind the pitcher to change the tempo?
FRANCISCO ALVAREZ: No, we're talking that with Carlos early in the day, so we don't have to talk that in the game. I think we do that before the game.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports