AL Division Series: Twins vs Astros

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Target Field

Houston Astros

Jose Abreu

Postgame 3 Press Conference

Astros - 9, Twins - 1

Q. Gray, Sonny Gray had been so effective with using the slider, the sweeper all season. What was the key for you guys with the approach against him to do the damage against that pitch you guys did today?

JOSE ABREU: I think independently of the shadow that was there during the beginning of the game that was difficult to see, I think we all went out there trying to have really good swings. We were able to do that. Obviously part of the game is whoever plays the best is going to win, and thankfully it was us.

Q. Your home run in the first inning, did you get a sense of how it impacted the crowd? Because really the crowd was really quiet for three, four, five innings after that.

JOSE ABREU: I think us as the Houston Astros organization, we understand how difficult it is to win and play this game, and independently, the crowd was quiet a little bit after that. But we just came out and tried to play our best game and tried to get the win today. Thankfully we got the win.

Q. How much of an issue were the shadows? Did that make it more difficult to pick up certain pitches than others?

JOSE ABREU: I think so, yeah. I'm not going to use it as an excuse or justification for the bad swings I took. I can only speak for myself. I can't speak for others. I think it's part of the timing. It messes with the timing of the game, and thankfully we were still able to get the victory.

Q. Have you been up in the second deck here previously when you were with the White Sox, or are these your two longest at Target Field, would you say?

JOSE ABREU: I remember, yeah, yeah. Yeah, this is a ballpark that I know well. I played here a lot in the nine years I've been coming here. Thankfully we were able to get the right swings across to score runs, and I'm just proud and grateful that we were able to get the win.

Q. You've sort of acknowledged some of the hitting struggles that you've gone through throughout this season, but what is the significance to you to be able to be contributing like you are down the stretch, that last series in Arizona and then here?

JOSE ABREU: I think that this was one of the reasons why I signed with this organization, to be in the best position and compete, and trust me, I am extremely grateful with life to be able to be in this situation and position that I am right now.

I think in life sometimes it's also important to not let yourself fall down. It's really important to just keep your head up.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
137898-1-1222 2023-10-10 23:56:00 GMT

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