Q. Andres, we always see you so even keel, low heartbeat. Is it any different when you get to like first pitch or right before first pitch of these games?
ANDRES GIMENEZ: I gotta confess. Every time you have first game, first Spring Training, first opening game. You got a little butterflies going on. I cannot deny that. Once the first pitch goes in, everything goes back to normal. So ready to go.
Q. So much of this group was also with the 2022 team that made it to the postseason. What do you think is the biggest benefit for you guys to have that experience now and having that help you as you're going into this series?
ANDRES GIMENEZ: It's really important the experience that you mentioned, but most importantly not only this year that we had as a group and we were reunited, but also what '23 meant to us, what we learned from that, and that was to be better players. And I think for us we're going to have that experience not only for this team we have this year but what we've been able to put together from last year to this year.
Q. Andres, do you embrace or do you like playing a team that you have a lot of familiarity with in Detroit?
ANDRES GIMENEZ: I have a particular feel for when we compete against teams from our own division. It's kind of like a different type of competition, and I really enjoy it and I feel I thrive on it.
In reality we haven't faced these guys since All-Star break. We played them early in the year, and we know they're playing really good baseball. Just really excited to face them again, but also knowing that it's a competition we're very familiar with and we have had success in the past.
Q. What's the challenge in facing multiple pitchers in the early innings of a game where normally you might see one guy for five or six?
ANDRES GIMENEZ: I mean, obviously, as a team it's like an extra challenge. Normally you can prepare a plan for one game and you have four chances to execute your plan here. You sort of have to go with four different plans into the game and see which one plays out.
As a team it's a challenge but a challenge we're excited to take forward and then see how we execute it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports