NL Division Series: Mets vs Phillies

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

New York, New York, USA

Citi Field

New York Mets

Pete Alonso

Pregame 4 Press Conference

Q. What's the importance of delivering the knockout blow tonight at home?

PETE ALONSO: For us, like, this is the playoffs; every single game is important. Honestly, the biggest focus of emphasis for us is just staying locked in pitch to pitch, out to out, at-bat to at-bat, inning to inning. I think if we just focus on the details and just stay in the present, stay in the moment, I think it will be important.

But the net of it is, whether it's tonight or Friday, it doesn't matter, as long as we get the job done. We just want to play our best baseball, and it's as simple as that. We're in a really good position, but we've got to capitalize.

Q. What made you change your walk-up music and why that song?

PETE ALONSO: I mean, why not? It's a good song. Yeah, it's a good song. I was kind of listening to it, it came up on shuffle. I'm like, Oh, this would be sick. Yeah, this could be really fun, and it was.

Q. Judging by what we're seeing in your at-bats it seems like you're pretty locked in. Seems like you're in a good place. A lot of times hitters will tell us they feel that before we can see it in the results. I'm wondering when did you start to feel like you were ready to be in this place at the place with your at-bats?

PETE ALONSO: Honestly, I felt good, felt good for a really long time. And just because you feel good, results aren't necessarily guaranteed.

But the biggest thing I just want to continue to stay within my approach and just do whatever I can to help the team win. And for me, if I'm sticking with my approach, having good professional at-bats, we've got a good chance to have good things happen. So for me I just want to continue to do that.

Yeah, stay as focused as I possibly can, every moment I'm fortunate enough to get.

Q. Are you finding you're one of the players that the postseason helps to sharpen that focus a little bit more, even?

PETE ALONSO: Again, for me I just -- every day is different. It's a different battle. I just want to stay locked in and focus. Because every day is a different story, every at-bat is different. I mean, you can want to force things, but I'm just going to continue to stay within my approach and let the game come to me.

Q. What have you seen from Carlos Mendoza in his first postseason and what is it you think prepared him for this moment?

PETE ALONSO: He's been fantastic. But I guess I keep reiterating this, not just with Carlos, not just with the group or individuals, but just the amount of support that we've had internally. Then just having that unwavering support even through rough times during the season, he's always had trust in his guys. Now that we're here in this position, why change?

He's continued to show trust. He's continued to really just put the best lineup and really press the right buttons with the starters and bullpens. Like, the ebb and flow of the game, he does a really good job of recognizing situations.

So it's been awesome. He's done a great job so far.

Q. There are guys on this roster, like Jose Iglesias or Mark Vientos that have had to scrap a little bit to get on a Major League team. What value is there to have people like that who have had to claw their ways to get to this position?

PETE ALONSO: Yeah, the roster was completely different Opening Day than it is now. But it always is. Every team and having certain guys really come into their own and step up the way Iggy and Mark have, they're really crucial to our team success, not just in the postseason but in the regular season, as well.

Those guys have played a tremendous part in helping us get to this point, and now that they're here in the postseason they've delivered some massive, massive hits for us. They've been ready when their number has been called. They've been huge in crunch time.

Iggy has been around a really long time. He's played in, I don't even know how many postseasons. Then Mark is relishing in his first big moment. It's truly incredible for both of them, and we wouldn't be where we're at as a team without those two guys having just tremendous, tremendous performances.

Q. I guess for you, did that home run in Milwaukee kind of ease the pressure at all in the postseason, just delivering in that spot, moving into kind of a fresh slate in the series?

PETE ALONSO: No, because the pressure, the pressure and the stakes are always going to continuously be there every single step of the way. It doesn't get easier in the postseason, it just gets that much harder because this is -- for me this is the furthest that I've ever made it in the postseason in my career. What I've noticed is there's a higher sense of urgency on both sides because I think, yeah, there's eight teams left. There's 22 other teams home. The closer you get the more and more that you want it. You want to be able to do something great.

And, yeah, every moment, like it doesn't get any easier, it only gets more difficult because the stakes get higher. With that being said, that's what makes it more fun. This is what we work for in the offseasons when we're doing our lifting and conditioning, getting our bodies ready to go for Spring Training. This is the moment we all worked for as a group. This is our vision and this is what we've all trained for. This is what we all envisioned as kids in the backyard or on the sandlot.

Q. Brandon was saying the other day the pitch-to-pitch intensity of these games leaves him more tired when they're over. How do you manage that to be fresh each day?

PETE ALONSO: I mean, for me it's easy because as soon as the game's done, I'm ready for another one. Last night, all the games in Milwaukee, it was like I could play another one just because this is like, yes, it's high-pressure situations but this is the most fun baseball I've ever played in my life. There's nothing like this.

Yeah, whether it's win or lose, I'm ready for another one. This has been just a blast. We've been on such an amazing ride. After every game, yeah, I'm tired, but it's like I can't wait to show up to the yard tomorrow.

Q. All these rituals and good luck charms, whether it be the pumpkin or the starting pitchers getting together with the eye black, all that stuff, how much do you think that sort of camaraderie help to translate to winning, especially in this environment? If I can ask, is there anything that you guys, stuff like that you rejected, found too hokey? I'm not asking to sell out one of your teammates. Something somebody came up with and you guys were like, let's skip that, it's a little too goofy?

PETE ALONSO: No, we're just having fun. And as much as, like, yes, we take our work -- we take a lot of pride in what we do. We take pride. But also, like, this is fun. I mean, again, at the end of the day, this is a game. It's a bunch of group of guys. Like, this game is crazy.

Through all the craziness, madness, and ups and downs, this game is -- at the end of the day it's supposed to be fun. And our group of guys, there's just no shortage of guys who, yeah, work hard, play hard, stay focused but also what's the point if you're not having fun? That's a part of the culture here. We're not afraid to embrace the fun part of the game. It's not just business. The game is a lot more than just trying to win or lose. You're trying to enjoy the ride with the group that you're with.

That's one of the reasons why we are where we're at is because whether we're 11 games under at the beginning of the year, we continue to have fun and enjoy the process the whole way through. So for everybody the reason why we have all this stuff like whether it be Grimace, the pumpkin, not just us in the clubhouse, the fans have embraced it, as well. Fans have had a lot of fun, from what it seems like, they've had fun along the way, too.

So it's really just a perfect environment like when you have guys in the clubhouse having fun and enjoying the ride. The same thing with the fan base in the city. When you have that connection between the guys in the clubhouse and people watching, like, it's electric.

Like last night you got to see that and hopefully it's going to be a great environment again today, and that's going to shine through.

Q. (Inaudible.)

PETE ALONSO: No doubt, having that support and seeing people have fun and let loose and just truly enjoy it, it's been awesome. The vibes have been incredible, not just internally but externally at the games. It's been great. It's phenomenal to play for, and we need to have that energy up. Mets fans keep that energy because it helps us play better.

Q. Just as a follow-up, have you been surprised at all by the volume of the fans' reaction, and how much it embraced you guys and how quickly it happened?

PETE ALONSO: I mean, again, like, I don't know the reason -- I don't know the reason like fully why. But, hey, I'm just here to enjoy it and I'm thankful and blessed. I know a bunch of the other guys feel the same way. We're appreciative of the support. It's been a hell of a ride and we want to continue it, we want to keep playing our best baseball.

Having that electric environment and just good vibes in the stadium, it really does help. It's something you can't really explain. It's just something that you have to feel in the moment. And watching the game unfold and being a part of it, it's just really special. That's pretty much, yeah. It's almost unexplainable.

Q. A lot of your teammates, or at least some of the infielders, especially, have noted how much better you've gotten on defense since you got here. I'm wondering what you think of your defensive evolution and where would you say your game is right now?

PETE ALONSO: It's one thing I want to do, I just want to continue to improve who I am as a player. Like, however I can get better, like it's -- yeah, obviously it helps me but ultimately if I can help improve it, it helps the team. And that's how not just I look at it, that's how we all as a group have really looked at this whole thing. Because if we can kind of evolve ourselves it's going to help the group.

I just want to be able to keep progressing and never really stay fully satisfied. I just want to keep pushing the envelope and keep getting better. I think I've had -- yeah, I'm just really happy that I've had great coaches help me put in the work and stay diligent. So it's great. I've had a ton of great coaches help me to where I'm at. And then also I just want to win, that's it. That's what it comes down to.

Q. Speaking of just wanting to win, what do you think the atmosphere will be like tonight given what's on the line?

PETE ALONSO: It's going to be excellent. I know that -- it's been super high-stake games in the playoffs. But I'm sure people are going to be super excited, and I can't wait. I can't wait for 5:08.

Q. Just with Mendy again, you played under four different managers in your pro career. What makes him stand out against the other guys that you've played under?

PETE ALONSO: I mean, it's really special. I think for me as soon as he got the job, like, having that open line of communication but then also, like, when me and Harrison, we hit together in the offseason, he drove by, introduced himself, and he watched us do our little workout stuff. That relationship started early.

And then just the consistency of who he's been every single day. And that's the stuff, like, I'm sure you guys say, Great job with the bullpen, great job with the lineup. But the thing that has kind of gone or can't be talked about enough is the consistency he's brought to the table every single day. Like the amount of consistency and trust he has with every single guys, it's never changed from day one from camp. That's something that means a lot as a player.

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