AL Championship Series: Guardians vs Yankees

Friday, October 18, 2024

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Progressive Field

Cleveland Guardians

Tanner Bibee

Pregame 4 Press Conference

Q. Tanner, what, if anything, changes with your between start routine with one less day?

TANNER BIBEE: I mean, just one less light day pretty much. It's not like I went out there and threw 100 pitches and about to go out there and do it again. I threw 39 pitches. I feel good. I'm ready to go.

Q. Have you ever done this before, pitching on short rest?

TANNER BIBEE: Yeah, in college I did. Throwing Friday, coming out of the pen on Sunday.

Q. How did you fare in that? Your body was okay?

TANNER BIBEE: Yeah, played fine.

Q. When did you first have the idea that this might be a possibility, and when did it become reality that you were going to do this?

TANNER BIBEE: Well, Vogter told me right after the game on Tuesday, told me then that it was a possibility that I could be starting. So prepared like I was going to.

Q. What's the key for you as you enter this one to make sure that you're going out there with all the stuff that you want to have?

TANNER BIBEE: That's a good question. I think having an edge, having some anger to it.

Q. Is that hard for you? Is that easy for you? Do you have to manufacture that edge or does that come easy to you?


Q. What's the relationship like between you and Vogt? Obviously you weren't real pleased coming out of Tuesday night as early as you did. It seems like you two kind of have some give and take.

TANNER BIBEE: Yeah, he's given me some leash earlier on in the year, and it just comes down to trying to win the game, but I get that.

It's a tough job, for me and for him. It's just some stuff I'm not going to like. Some stuff I'm going to like. But it's not my job to like it. It's my job to get outs.

Q. Give us your perspective watching last night's game and knowing you weren't going to be able to physically impact the outcome and still riding that roller coaster.

TANNER BIBEE: Yeah, it was definitely a roller coaster. I think both teams, going back and forth like that, to be a part of it and just to be watching from my point of view, probably I'm guessing one of the best seats in the house, it was a really cool experience.

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