Q. You mentioned after your last start hitting a wall. Since then, or tomorrow, have you or will you do anything differently to maintain energy or in any way prepare?
SEAN MANAEA: I've been doing a lot of things in between just to recover and recoup from last outing. And I feel we've been able to do a really good job of that. And just going into tomorrow, I'm just going to give it everything I've got and just feeling good with that.
Q. When you do hit a wall, what are you feeling exactly physically and mentally?
SEAN MANAEA: For me, a lot of innings so far, a lot of pitches. And really just the body is just a little tired and just kind of -- like, the last inning, in the sixth, I threw a lot of balls arm side, which hasn't been typical for me, I feel like.
So I just couldn't really get that mind/body connection to make the adjustment. So, for me, that's kind of what "the wall" meant. So, yeah, I'm just trying to push through that.
Q. And after the recovery you've been doing, how do you feel going into tomorrow?
SEAN MANAEA: Great. Really excited for it. At this point, I feel like I'm ready to go and just ready to give it all I've got.
Q. With the bullpen being used as much as it has, do you pitch any differently knowing that the guys are pretty short back there?
SEAN MANAEA: No, like I said, I'm just giving it everything I've got. I hopefully can go deep into the game. And it's always the goal for me personally. I'm not trying to change anything or do anything more. Whatever I can give, it's what I can do.
Q. After you kind of changed the arm angle, a sweeper or sinker. Is there any difference with hot weather or cold weather or humid? Do you find something about movement-wise?
SEAN MANAEA: I haven't really thrown too many games in the cold weather. Back in New York, I guess the Philly game would be like the coldest game I've pitched in, which wasn't even that bad, so I can't say too much. I would say no, but I don't know. I haven't done it.
Q. Last time was pretty sharp here. That time it was pretty hot while out here.
SEAN MANAEA: Yeah, hopefully everything feels good tomorrow and pitches are moving how I want them to be.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports